This powerful man obtained the brass plates, built a strong ship to carry his family across the ocean, and later became the namesake for his entire people.
This powerful missionary was put to death by fire by the wicked King Noah.
This man was the sole convert of Abinadi and later became the high priest of the Church.
Alma the Elder
This captain is known for creating the standard of liberty and leading the Nephites to victory against the Lamanites.
Captain Moroni
These older brothers to Nephi attempted to kill him on several occasions until Nephi finally took his followers and left.
Laman and Lemuel
This powerful prophet was shown all things after seeing the finger of God.
The Brother of Jared, aka ________________
This man welcomed Alma into his home in Ammonihah and later became his missionary companion.
This wicked and idolatrous man was struck down by angel before repenting and later becoming a great and powerful missionary and prophet.
Alma the Younger
This righteous king of the Nephites gave an amazing sermon about Jesus Christ to his entire people before turning the kingdom over to his son, Mosiah.
King Benjamin
This man managed to take control of the entire Lamanite kingdom through treachery, murder, and intrigue.
This exiled king was a great prophet who witnessed the death and destruction of his entire people after they refused to repent.
These fours sons of Mosiah refused to become king preferring instead to preach the gospel to the Lamanites.
Ammon, Aaron, Omner, and Hymn.
This Lamanite king became converted after hearing the preaching of his strong and powerful servant, Ammon.
King Lamoni
This man was the last king of the Jaredites and went on to live among the Mulekites for 9 months before he died.
This wicked man preached that priests should be popular and supported by the people. He was put to death after killing righteous old Gideon in cold blood.
This great prophet was visited by Jesus Christ at age 15 and was made commander of the entire Nephite army at age 16.
Nearly all of the Lamanites became righteous after these 2 brothers were held in their prison and became encircled about by fire with angels coming down to minister to the Lamanites present.
Nephi and Lehi
This wonderful woman was the only believer in Christ among her people due to a remarkable vision of her father.
This captain was an accomplished assassin responsible for assassinating both Amalickiah and later his brother Ammoron before being killed.
Captain Teancum
This learned man demanded a sign from Jacob to prove that Christ should come and was stricken and died several days later.
This prophet recorded the allegory of the olive tree in the Book of Mormon.
This very wicked and wealthy lawyer became converted after confronting Alma and Amulek in the city of Ammonihah. He later joined them as a fellow missionary.
This brother of King Lamoni became king over all the converted Lamanites after his also converted father gave him the kingdom and changed his name to this.
This man was king of his group of Nephites when they found the plates of Ether while looking for a way back to Zarahemla.
King Limhi
This woman convinced her father to let her entice an evil man to marry her in exchange for the death of her grandfather, the king.