whats bishops kipper's middle name
This hill is where the plates were buried and later found by Joseph Smith
the Hill Cumorah
This prophet was the first to write in the Book of Mormon and led his family from Jerusalem to the promised land
what book are we talking about
book of morman
This Book of Mormon prophet foretold the coming of Jesus Christ to the Americas after His resurrection, teaching that He would appear to the Nephites and Lamanites
how many chapters are in the book of mormon
239 chapters
This location was the first major settlement established by Lehi and his family after arriving in the promised land
the land of Nephi
This young prophet was the last to write in the Book of Mormon before it was buried in the Hill Cumorah
This book begins with the famous verse stating, 'I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents
1 Nephi
This prophet prophesied that a day would come when the Book of Mormon would be brought forth by the power of God, and it would be translated by one who is not learned
when was The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized
195 years ago
This land was the site of a miraculous conversion where Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah became powerful missionaries after encountering an angel
the land of Zarahemla
This chief judge and governor was murdered by Kishkumen while seeking to maintain peace in the land during a time of great discord and corruption
Chief Judge Pahoran
This chapter in 3 Nephi contains Christ's visit to the Americas and is similar to the Sermon on the Mount
3 Nephi 12
This prophet in the Book of Mormon foresaw the coming of Jesus Christ and even gave the exact signs and wonders that would accompany His birth to the Nephites
Samuel the Lamanite
what is once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a 1000 years
This city was built by the Nephites and is often mentioned as a central hub for their civilization
the city of Zarahemla
This prophet was called to preach repentance to the city of Zarahemla and faced great opposition, being imprisoned multiple times for his teachings
Alma the Younger
In this well-known chapter, a prophet exhorts people to pray always and discuss the lifecycle of a seed of faith.
Alma 32
This prophet predicted the destruction of the Nephite civilization due to wickedness and the record of their fall being preserved for future generations
In alma 60:13 how many A's are there in this verse
This is the land where Lehi's family initially landed after their journey across the ocean
land of First Inheritance
This leader of the Nephites was known for his remarkable conversion and later became a great military leader, defending his people against the Lamanites
Captain Moroni
This short book in the Book of Mormon details the genealogy from Adam down to the house of Israel and includes the brother of Jared's vision
Book of Ether
This prophet foresaw the future of his descendants and the eventual restoration of the gospel, as recorded at the beginning of the Book of Mormon