Book of Mormon Stories
Doctrinal Mastery
The Atonement and Savior
What was the result of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies becoming converted unto the Lord?
They never did fall away (see Alma 23:5-13)
What truth is taught in Helaman 5:12
We must build our faith on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
What type of sacrifice was the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
An infinite and eternal sacrifice (see Alma 34:9-10)

The prophet who writes for the benefit of the Lamanite people and son of Mormon.

Who is Moroni (1 Moroni 1:1)

When is the best time for you to learn to keep the commandments of God?
In your youth (see Alma 37:35)
When Alma compares the word to a seed, what is the 1st step he gives for nourishing our faith?
Desire to believe (see Alma 32:27)
According to 3 Nephi 12:48, what are we commanded to do?
Follow the perfect example of Jesus Christ.  
What truths can we learn from the fulfillment of prophecies concerning the birth of Jesus Christ?
The Lord will fulfill all the words that He has spoken through His prophets (see 3 Nephi 1:1-26).

This prophet predicts light during the night and a new star at Christ's birth.

This I give unto you as a sign says Samuel, there shall be great lights in heaven....and there shall a new star arise. (see Helaman 14:3-5)

What is the result of repenting, being baptized, and enduring to the end?
We will be guiltless when we stand before God to be judged (see 3 Nephi 27:16).
What was one reason the 2000 stripling warriors prevailed over the Lamanites?
They performed every word of command with exactness (Alma 57:21)
What is the Savior inviting us to do in 3 Nephi 27:20?
Repent and come unto Him.  
How often does the Savior do the will of Heavenly Father?
Always (see 3 Nephi 11:10-11)

This prophet gives commandments unto his son regarding sexual sins.

Alama counseled his son that sexual sins are an abomination in the sight of the Lord. (Alma 39:5)

What is our role as the Lord's covenant people?
We carry the responsibility to bless all nations (3 Nephi 29).
The Nephites continually experienced a cycle of pride and destruction.  What can help you avoid this cycle?  
Humility (see Helaman 11)
According to Ether 12:27, what does the Lord promise to His humble and faithful followers concerning their weakness?  
He will make weak things become strong unto them.  
What is faith in Jesus Christ?
Hope for things that are true but are not seen (see Ether 12:6).

This prophet names his two sons Nephi and Lehi to help them remember pattern their lives after their forebears.

I have given unto you names of our first parents said Helaman that you might remember them and their works because they were good. (Helaman 5:6)

God works miracles in our lives according to our __________.
Faith (see Mormon 9:20).  
What is a sign that the Lord is fulfilling His promise to gather Israel in the last days?
The coming forth of the Book of Mormon (see 3 Nephi 21:1-11).
According to Moroni, how do we gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon?
Reading it, pondering God's mercy and asking God with real intent whether it is true (see Moroni 10:3-5)
What is NOT required to obtain mercy and satisfy the demands of justice?
Perfection (see Alma 42:15-31)

Having exceeding great faith this prophet has a an experience where the veil was removed from his eyes.

Who is the brother of Jared who saw the finger of the Lord which was like a man's. (Ether 3:6)

According to Moroni, what is our responsibility toward other members of the Church?
To nourish them spiritually by the word of God (see Moroni 6:4)