Burned by a wicked king
Who is Abinadi?
The number of stripling warriors
What is 2,000?
The iron rod
What is the Word of God?
This group broke off from the Nephites at the beginning of the Book of Mormon
Who are Lamanites?
Angels speak by this power
What is the Holy Ghost?
Tried to destroy the church and then was converted by an angel
Who is Alma (the younger)?
This brother succeeded his wicked brother Amalickiah after his death
Who is Ammoron?
Great and spacious building
What is the World?
This group migrated to the Americas around the same time as Lehi
Who are the Mulekites?
A voice was heard this many times before Christ showed himself to the Nephites
What is three?
Protected the king's flocks
Who is Ammon?
This group of robbers eventually overthrew the government in the book of Helaman
Who are Gadianton?
Tame olive tree
What is the House of Israel?
This group used Rameumptom
Who are Zoramites?
He led the stripling warriors
Who is Helaman?
Gathered people to the palace so they could witness the conversion of their king and queen
Who is Abish?
The last king of the Jaredites
Who is Coriantumr?
Casting branches into the fire
What is the judgment of God?
This group put marks on their foreheads
Who are the Amlicites?
Married the eldest daughter of Ishmael
Who is Zoram?
The first to be killed by Teancum's javelin
Who is Amalickiah?
This group started a civil war in an attempt to start a monarchy
Who are the King-Men?
Fountain of Living Waters
What is the Love of God?
Only one of this group were converted by the sons of Mosiah
Who are the Amalekites?
He baptized the converted lawyer, Zeezrom
Who is Alma (the younger)?