This prophet quickly forgave his older brothers for hurting him and attempting to kill him many times before finally separating from them in the promised land.
This is the method the Lord used to bring the Jaredites across the sea to the promised land in their water-tight boats.
The wind never stopped blowing
Ammon, one of the sons of Mosiah, had an opportunity to teach a lamanite King about God after protecting the King’s _________ by _________________.
Flocks of sheep, cutting off the arms of the would-be thieves
Nephi and his brother travelled back to this city twice after leaving it, once to get the plates of brass and once to get Ishmael and his family.
The story of the Brother of Jared preparing to travel to the promised land contains examples of different ways we might receive revelation or answers to our prayers. Name two different ways.
The Lord giving specific instructions, the Lord telling us to come up with our own solutions, or the Lord saying leave it to me and just wait.
This prophet testified before the wicked King Noah and his priests of the coming of Jesus Christ and reminded him of the 10 commandments, before being burned to death.
Because of their faith in their mother’s words, these young soldiers were miraculously preserved and none died in their first battle.
Stripling warriors (or young Ammonite sons)
Alma the Younger’s conversion began when an _________ with a voice of _________ appeared to him and the sons of Mosiah while they were going about trying to destroy the church.
Angel, thunder
This group of people left the true church and instead worshiped using a small platform called the Rameumptum, a method that totally surprised the missionaries who traveled there to preach to them.
Name the principle Lehi taught to his son Jacob in 2 Nephi 2:27.
Agency, or the gift of being able to make our own choices.
This patriarch was given a vision of the tree of life.
The Lord protected Samuel the Lamanite from these things as he preached to the wicked Nephites from atop their city wall.
Arrows and stones
The faithful lamanites originally called the Anit-Nephi-Lehis chose to ________________ as a token of the covenant they made with the Lord to never sin again.
Bury their weapons of war
After the Nephites left the Land of Nephi and joined with the Mulekites, this city became their capital city (and the name of the whole Nephite land) for many years.
King Benjamin taught that “when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, __________________”
ye are only in the service of your God.
This leader gave a sermon to his people from a tall tower, teaching them about love and service and that salvation comes through Jesus Christ’s atonement.
King Benjamin
The Lord provided this object to guide Lehi and his family through the wilderness, and it worked according to their faith.
Liahona (or compass)
The brothers Nephi and Lehi went about preaching until they were put in prison. Just as they were about to be taken to be killed, they were surrounded by _________ and then the whole prison shook and was filled with a cloud of ___________ until all the prisoners heard a voice telling them to repent.
Fire, darkness
Summarize the Lord’s covenant regarding the “Promised Land”, which is repeated many times throughout the Book of Mormon.
If the people obey the commandments, they will prosper in the land, if they do not, they will be cut off from the presence of the Lord (or the land will be cursed for their sakes).
Name the doctrine Amulek teaches the poor of the Zoramites about in Alma 34:9-16.
The atonement of Jesus Christ allows us to return to God’s presence if we repent.
This military leader is known for physically fortifying the cities of the Nephites against the armies of the Lamanites, as well as fortifying the hearts of the Nephites with his strong faith.
Captain Moroni
In a vision, Nephi saw that the gentiles that would be brought to the promised land would struggle in unbelief because of the many plain and precious truths that had been taken out of the Bible. What was the Lord’s plan to help both them and the remainder of descendants of the Lamanites and Nephites in the land?
He would visit the promised land, preach his true gospel there, and have his prophets keep a record of it. This record would become the Book of Mormon.
This lawyer from the city of Amonihah tried to trick Alma and Amulek at first, but was eventually converted and later went on missions with them.
This mafia-like group was known for murdering chief judges and using secret combinations to get money and disrupt the peace of the Nephites.
Gadianton robbers
This gift allows you to know the truth of all things.
The Holy Ghost