This prophet was burned alive.
Enos did this all day and into the night.
"Men are, that they might have ______."
The city that Lehi's family depart from.
Ammon cut off of these body parts while protecting the King's sheep.
The third son of Lehi
This occurred at the Waters of Mormon.
Alma baptized many people.
"__________ upon the words of Christ."
The name of the primary city in the Nephite culture.
The only prophet identified as a Lamanite.
Samuel the Lamanite
He was the Captain of the Stripling Warriors.
The main event that happens in 3 Nephi.
Christ visits the Americas
King Benjamin taught "..when ye are in the service of your __________ye are only in the service of your God."
fellow beings
Once Nephite land primarily inhabited by the Lamanites.
Land of Nephi
Moroni's invitation to all of the readers at the end of the Book of Mormon.
"...ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true..."
Name the 4 sons of Mosiah.
Aaron, Ammon, Omner, Himni
The type of tree what used to describe the house of Israel as taught by Jacob.
Olive Tree
"Charity is..."
The city where Jesus appeared and visited the Nephites.
The band of criminals who repeatedly caused trouble for the Nephite & Lamanite people.
Gadianton Robbers
This Nephite defector joined the Lamanites, took control of their army, became the Lamanite King, and was ultimately murder by a javelin through the heart.
Name the 3 groups of people led to the Promised land.
Jaredites, Mulekites, Lehi's family
"If men come unto me ...then I will ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ unto them."
make weak things become strong
Where the 24 Jaredite gold plates were found.
Land of Desolation
Name 3 pairs of people that share the same name.
Alma (father & son), Helaman (father & son), Nephi & Lehi (named after the OGs), Moroni (Captain & prophet), Ammon (searcher, missionary), Mosiah (KBs father & son)