The device Nephi broke while hunting for beasts.
What is Nephi's metal bow?
These are the two rebellious sons of Lehi.
Who are Laman and Lemuel?
He saw the finger of God light up stones.
Who is the Brother of Jared?
This is the name of the city that Lehi and his family left to travel to the promised land.
What is Jerusalem?
This doctrine is taught in 1 Nephi 3:7.
What is, "all things are possible with God?"
The ball or director which led the way to the Promised Land.
What is the Liahona?
He was military leader over the 2,000 stripling warriors.
Who is Helaman?
He prophesied to the Jews of the destruction of Jerusalem and the need to repent.
Who is Lehi?
This is the capital city of the Nephites.
What is Zarahemla?
This doctrine is taught in Alma 41:10.
What is, "wickedness never was happiness?"
This was seen in Lehi's vision and represents the Word of God.
What is the Iron Rod?
He saved King Lamoni's flocks by cutting off the arms of those trying to steal the sheep.
Who is Ammon?
This person is mentioned approximately every 1.7 verses in the Book of Mormon.
Who is Jesus Christ?
This is where the Book of Mormon was discovered in 1827.
What is the Hill Cumorah?
This doctrine is taught in Mosiah 2:17.
King Mosiah used this to translate the record of the Jaredites.
What is the Urim and Thummim?
He was Laban's servant who left with Lehi's family after Nephi obtained the brass plates.
Who is Zoram?
Although he was younger than a lot of his people, and was mocked by those closest to him, he followed the Lord and led his people to the Promised Land.
Who is Nephi?
This is where Christ appeared to the Nephites.
What is the land of Bountiful?
This doctrine is taught in 2 Nephi 2:27.
What is, "we are free to choose good or evil-agency?"
This record contains the spiritual dealings of Lehi's posterity.
What are the small plates of Lehi?
This prophet suffered death by fire at the hands of King Noah and his wicked priests.
Who is Abinidi?
He prophesied of the Savior's birth and crucifixion while people shot arrows at him.
Who is Samuel the Lamanite?
This is where Alma the Elder baptized his followers.