These are the names of Nephi's brothers who complained in the wilderness.
Who are Laman and Lemuel?
Joseph Smith found this buried in the Hill Cumorah
What are the golden plates?
This Book of Mormon prophet had a dream about a tree of life.
Who is Lehi?
This well known YouTube star created the Beast Games TV show
Jimmy Donaldson AKA Mr. Beast
Name anyone in the oldest YM/YW classes who has done marching band
Various correct answers- Jeffrey, Ali, Logan, Brayden, Aaron, Delilah
An unknown person likely stole this translated material from Martin Harris.
What are the lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon?
This brass ball miraculously guided Lehi and Sariah's family in the wilderness.
What is the Liahona?
The prophet Alma compared this gospel principle to a seed growing into a tree.
What is Faith in Jesus Christ?
This is the name of Taylor Swift's boyfriend
Who is Travis Kelce?
This person attends Thomas Jefferson High School
Who is Jack Durr?
This evil king burned the prophet Abinadi at the stake.
Who is King Noah?
The Zoramites stood on this platform and said the exact same prayer every week.
The Rameumptom
_____ is the pure love of Christ.
What is Charity?
Best selling music group of all time
What is The Beatles? Bonus: who is the best selling female musician of all time?
This person is competing in the state wrestling meet next week.
Who is Liam Young?
This wicked organization committed secret murders and nearly destroyed the people of Nephi
Who are the Gadianton Robbers?
What is the Title of Liberty?
Jesus Christ gave this same sermon in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon
What is the Sermon on the Mount?
This is the highest grossing movie of all time.
Not adjusted for inflation- Avatar
Adjusted for inflation- Gone with the Wind
Name a young woman who is competing in indoor track this season.
Various answers-
This former Nephite killed the Lamanite king and military leader and became the new Lamanite King.
Who is Amalickiah?
Which translation took longer- the Book of Mormon or the King James Bible?
Bible- took 47 scholars seven years
Book of Mormon- took one young man and a scribe three months
King Benjamin taught that the natural ____ is an enemy to God
What is man?
This star of the movie The Dark Knight attended BYU and served a mission.
Who is Aaron Eckhart?
The O'Neill's were married in this temple in a remote Utah town
What is the Manti temple?