Nephi says that he was "born of goodly parents. Name them.
Who was Lehi & Sariah
Metal object seen in the Tree of Knowledge
What was the iron rod?
Age when Mormon took charge of the Nephite armies. (18, 20, 16)
Last prophet to write in the Book of Mormon
Metal object that mentioned in the Tree of Life
Iron Rod
What family did Nephi and his brothers bring back from Jerusalem
Who was Ishmael
Is there part of the Book of Mormon missing?
Number of Books in the Book of Mormon - (18,15,20)
In Helaman 16:7-8 it ays that Samuel the Lamanite was chased away from Zarahemla, is he mentioned again in the Book of Mormon.
What is the Iron Rod
Word of God
Name one of the Sons of Alma the Younger
Helaman, Corianton, Shiblon
Tower of Babel, everyone had different language
Years Lehi and family were in the wilderness - (6,8,12)
He saw the Finger of God and talked to him. His name isn't mentioned in the Book of Mormon
Brother of Jared
Name two other things (not the iron rod) seen in the Dream of the Tree of Life
darkness, spacious building, tree, river field, path
Name of the parents of the young boy who discovered the Golden Plates
Who was Joseph Smith Sr and Lucy Mack Smith?
Samuel the Lamanite preached to the people only one time. True or False
Captain Moroni was appointed Chief Captain over the Nephites at this age - (20, 25, 30)
Name two prophets that started with the letter A
Alma the Elder, Abinadi, Ammon, Amaleki, Alma the Younger, Aaron, Amulek,
Lehi had to do this to get out of the darkness, we need to also do this daily
Pray unto the Lord
Father of Moroni
Number of men to witness the Book of Mormon
11-Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Martin Harris, Christian Whitmer, Jacob, Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, Jr, John Whitmer, Hiram Page, Joseph Smith Sr, Hyrum Smith, Samel H Smith
Number of years that the Book of Mormon covers - 500, 1000, 1500)
1000 - from 600 B C to 400 A D
Visited the Nephites and they didn't now who he was
Jesus Christ
Lehi wanted these people to partake of the fruit from the tree
His family