This prophet had a vision that Jerusalem would be destroyed and was instructed to leave with his family.
This book is the second book in the Book of Mormon
Lehi found a brass ball with two spindles that pointed the way that Lehi and his family should go. The ball worked according to faith and diligence was called ________
The Liahona
This character was the guard of the treasury where sacred records were kept. He became a free man after joining Nephi's group in the wilderness
From Lehi's dream, we learn that the Iron Rod represents what?
The Word of God
The gold plates, were quoted and abridged by a prophet-historian named...
This Book is known for having many wars and battles
The Book of Alma
In the center of the church, the Zoramites had built a high platform called the _______. There was room for only one person to stand at the top.
This King was converted by Ammon through his great example.
King Lamoni
King Benjamin taught "I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only ____"
In the service of your God
The Last prophet in the Book of Mormon
This prophet was sentenced to death by King Noah and his priests
The Waters of Mormon is a body of water in the Book of Mormon where Alma _____ around 200 Nephites
Lehi's wife and Nephi's mother
In Moroni, we learn about Faith, Hope, and _____.
This prophet was visited personally by an angel and rebuked for his actions. He fell into an unconscious state where for three days and three nights he lay unable to move.
Alma the Younger
The Brother of Jared is written about in this book...
The brother of Jared brought 16 clear stones and asked the Lord to do what to fill them with light?
Touch them
This character is first mentioned in the Book of Alma as "the chief captain over the Nephites"
Captain Moroni
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your ______
While hunting beasts in the forest, this prophet's "soul hungered" and he knelt and prayed for forgiveness.
This book contains several chapters of teachings quoting the prophet Isiah
2nd Nephi
The Introduction teaches that this event recorded in 3rd Nephi is the crowning event in The Book of Mormon
The personal ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ among the Nephites soon after His resurrection.
This prophet led the stripling warriors into battle
“And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be ________"