The Covenant Path
Primary Songs
Bad Guys

He protected the sheep of King Lamoni by using a sling and cutting off the arms of lamanites.

Who is Ammon?


To hope for things which are not seen, which are true.
(Alma 32:21)

What is Faith?


When Samuel the Lamanite climbed a city wall, God protected him from these things that people tried to hit him with.

What are Arrows and Stones?


The lyrics say:
Are about the Lamanites in ancient history.
Long ago their fathers came from far across the sea,
Giv’n the land if they lived righteously.

What is Book of Mormon Stories?


Nephi had to get the Brass plates from this guy. They asked him nicely two times, the second time he stole their precious things!

Who is Laban?


He was commanded to get the Brass plates and to build a boat. His books are the 2 first books in the Book of Mormon.

Who is Nephi?


This is something the prophets in the Book of Mormon often asked the people to do. It means to stop doing a sin and to turn to God.

What is repentance?


The sons of Mosiah, including Ammon, did not want to be king, but instead chose to preach the gospel to this group of people.

Who are the Lamanites?


The Lyrics say:
"I'm going there some day. To feel the Holy Spirit. To Listen and to pray."

What is I love to see the Temple?


He killed the prophet Abinadi. Alma was on his court and believed the words of Abinadi. He shares the name of a prophet that built an Ark.

Who is King Noah?

He took all the records at his time and compiled them into a single book on gold plates. The book is named after him.

Who is Mormon?


2 Nephi 31:5 And now, if the Lamb of God, he being holy, should have need to be _______ by water, to fulfil all righteousness, O then, how much more need have we, being unholy, to be _______, yea, even by water!

What is Baptized?


In Lehi's dream he saw a tree that had fruit that was white and precious above all. This is the name of that tree.

What is the Tree of Life?


This song's title is about a compass that led, "Lehi and his Family through deserts and across the sea..."

What is The Liahona?


These two brothers constantly made fun of, hurt, and doubted Nephi.

Who is Laman and Lemuel?


In the Book of Mormon, we learn that He visited the Americas after his resurrection. He taught them and healed their sick.

Who is Jesus Christ?


A still, small voice. Nephi taught that the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto us by its power.

What is the Holy Ghost?


Helaman led an army of 2,000 young men to battle. He and the children did not want the parents to fight because they had made a covenant to not use what?

What are weapons?


The song We'll Bring The World His Truth compares us to this army as we share the gospel with the world.

What is The Army of Helaman?


He went about trying to destroy the church until an Angel appeared to him. He went on to visit different cities and preach the gospel. The biggest book in the Book of Mormon is named after him.

Who is Alma?


He asked the Lord to touch stones he had molten out of rock in order to light his people's barges. (Ether 3: 1,4)

Who is the Brother of Jared?


What we are to do after we have faith, repent, are baptized, receive the gift of the holy ghost. It means to continue living the gospel, repenting when we make mistakes, and trying our best to follow God.

What is Enduring to the End?


This person was hunting and desired to know the truth. He prayed all day and all night and received an answer from God.

Who is Enos?


This is a line from the song Nephi's Courage which teaches us the response Nephi gave when the Lord commanded him to do things.

What is "I will go, I will do"


These guys would scheme to kill kings and get in power. They were called the ______ Robbers. (Helaman 6:18)

What is Gadianton?
