This event was foretold in the Book of Mormon and marked by three days of darkness.
What is the death of Jesus Christ?
Alma and Amulek escaped prison after showing faith and enduring trials. What happened to the prison?
Destroyed, and they were delivered
Alma taught that this small thing can grow into a tree of everlasting life.
Seed of faith
This place was named after the prophet who baptized many converts and helped them form the Church.
Waters of Mormon
Jesus Christ called this act the greatest example of love: “Greater love hath no man than this.”
Laying down His life for His friends
This prophet showed faith by warning the Nephites from the city wall, even while being mocked and attacked.
Samuel the Lamanite
Moroni promises that if we do this with a sincere heart, we can know the truth of all things.
This prophet compiled the gold plates and handed them to his son, Moroni.
In 2 Nephi 2, Lehi teaches that without Jesus Christ’s Atonement, we would remain in this state forever.
State of sin and separation from God
The Brother of Jared showed great faith when he saw this part of the Savior’s body.
His finger
This Book of Mormon prophet declared, “I glory in plainness; I glory in truth.”
This location was destroyed by fire at the time of Christ’s crucifixion, fulfilling prophecy.