Which "character" tells the grand and epic tale of Odysseus from the start of book one?
Which God holds a grudge against Odysseus and why?
Poseidon for blinding his son
Where does Telemakhos reside?
What is the central conflict Telemakhos faces?
The suitors taking over his home
How does Penelope delay her potential marriage?
Unweaving the shroud each night
Who said this statement and whom was it directed towards?
Straight to the door he came, irked with himself to think that a visitor had been kept there waiting. "Greetings, stranger! Welcome to our feast. There will be time to tell your errand later."
Telemakhos to Athena
Who made the following comment:
"I fed him, loved him, sang that he should not die nor grow old, ever, in all the days to come. But now there's no eluding Zeus's will."
What is the name of Kalyso's Island?
What is the initial plan the suitors come up with to get rid of Telemakhos?
Wait for him at sea and ambush his ship.
What happens to Odysseus while at Scheria?
He gets taunted for not participating in sports events.
Who is Eurykleia?
Servant in the Odysseus household.
Who is Hermes?
Messenger of the gods
What is the name of the place where men take a "potion" that makes them forget about their journey home?
Circe's Island
"Mentor, how can I do it, how approach him? I have no practice in elaborate speeches, and for a young man to interrogate an old man seems disrespectful"
What story does Demodocus sing to cause Odysseus to weep?
The Trojan War
Who is Nausikka's Mother?
Queen Arete
What was the name of the six headed beast?
What is the original name of Troy?
Ilion or Ilium
What prophecy is given in the underworld and by whom?
Tiresias - cattle, long journey home, etc
What lies does Eurymachus tell Penelope?
That he is loyal to Telemachus
"Now you must stay with me and be my guest eleven or twelve days more. I'll send you on your way with gifts, and fine ones: three chariot horses, and a polished car; a hammered cup, too, so that all your days, tipping the red wine for the deathless gods, you will remember me."
Who is Aeolus?
Ruler of the wind
Where are the cicones from?
"O forlorn man, be still. Here you need grieve no more; you will need not feel your life consumed here; I have pondered I, and I shall help you go"
"Nestor, pride of Akhaians, Neleus' son,
that was revenge, and far and wide the Akhaians
will tell the tale in song for generations.
I wish the gods would buckle his arms on me!
I'd be revenged for outrage
on my insidious and brazen enemies."