Main characters of the book “Diary of a wimpy kid”
What flavour crisps does Zoe's stepmother eat?
Who wrote Diary of a Wimpy Kid ?
Jeff Kinney
Meaning of “Spongin”
What does the word "wimpy" mean ?
weak and cowardly
Who is the older brother of Greg?
What do the children at school call Miss Midge?
What colour are the pictures in "Diary of a Wimpy Kid"?
Black and white
Meaning of “Retmotely”
What does the word “soaking” means?
extremely wet; wet through.
Who is terrified of rats and jumps on the table?
Book “Ratburguer”
Tina trotts
What flashes up on Zoe's dad's phone when her stepmother phones?
What does Greg enjoy doing ?
playing video games and
Meaning of “lurking”
What does the word “mowing” means?
loose pieces of grass resulting from mowing.
What is the name of Zoe's hamster?
What does Burt use to make the ketchup?
What can't Greg bear doing ?
He can't bear doing sport And
He can't bear doing his homework.
Meaning of “Trudged”
Caminar Fatigosamente
what does the word “mudy” means?
covered in or full of mud.
Burt's Burgers is written on one side of his van. What is written on the other?
What trick does Armitage do to win the talent show?
Ride a wind-up toy motorbike
What is the name of the computer game Greg wants for christmas?
Twisted wizard
meaning of “Insufferable”
what does the word “launching” means?
set (a boat) in motion by pushing it or allowing it to roll into the water.