This is the advanced breed of orcs bread by Saruman.
What is the uruk-hai?
Fun Fact: 20,000 New Zealand cricket fans contributed to the sound of the Uruk-hai army in The Two Towers.
At the end of Charmed Life a couple of chairs chant this phrase.
What is I belong to Chrestomanci Castle?
This is what is in an MLT sandwhich.
What is mutton, lettuce, and tomato?
"Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder."
Who is Littlefinger?
The only character to appear in all seven books.
Who is Aslan?
Fun Fact: Aslan is Turkish for lion.
This is the name of Frodo's sword.
What is Sting?
This novel features a constantly traveling King and his court, an elephant named Mini, and the most ridiculous revenge plot ever heard.
What is The Merlin Conspiracy?
Fun Fact: David Tennant read the audio book.
According to Vizzini, this is when you shouldn't go against a Sicilian.
What is when death in on the line?
“Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.”
Who is Lady Ollena?
He lost his tail during the Second Battle of Beruna.
Who is Reepicheep?
He is the King of Rohan.
Who is Theoden?
In Howl's Moving Castle, Sophie's last name reflects her family's profession which is this.
What is a hatter?
This is the name of the fictional poison that Westley puts in the wine goblets.
What is iocaine powder?
"What do we say to the God of death?"
Who is Syrio Forel?
Diggory plants this in The Magician's Nephew resulting in an interesting tree being grown during the birth of Narnia.
What is toffee?
This is the Elvish world for "friend" used to open the hidden door to Moria.
What is mellon?
This is the name of the Chrestomanci before Christopher Chant.
Who is Gabriel de Witt?
This is the name of Miracle Max's wife.
Who is Valerie?
Fun Fact: Max and Valerie are named after the author, William Goldman's, parents.
"I don't plan on knitting by the fire while men fight for me."
Who is Lyanna Mormont?
Puddleglum appears in this Narnia book.
What is The Silver Chair?
Andy Serkis played Smeagol in all three films as well as providing the voice of this character.
Who is the Witch King of Angmar?
Neil Gaiman is a background character in this book.
What is Deep Magic?
The Dread Pirate Roberts has had many names. The one who picked up Westley was named this.
Who is Ryan?
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."
Who is Ramsay Snow/Bolton?
This is the name of the one-legged dwarves in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
What are the monopods/dufflepuds/duffers?