How many books are in the Old Testament?
There are 46 books in the Old Testament.
How many books in the New Testament?
There are 27 books in the New testament.
How many Gospels are there?
There are 4 Gospels.
What is a Parable?
A story told by Jesus in the Gospels used to show a moral or spiritual lesson.
How many total books are in the bible?
There are 73 total books in the bible.
What does Psalm 25:8-10 say? Interpret this into your own words.
You will receive the full amount of points if you interpreted and explained this reading to the best of your ability.
Was Jesus Present in the New Testament?
Name all of the Gospels.
Matthew, Mark Luke, and John.
What parable did Jesus tell about a father and his two sons?
The Prodigal Son.
What is the longest book in the bible?
Jeremiah is the longest book of the bible.
Name all the books of the Pentateuch.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
What does Romans 6:1-4 say? Interpret this into your own words.
You will receive the full amount of points if you interpreted and explained this reading to the best of your ability.
At what part of the mass is the Gospel read?
It is read during the Liturgy Of the Word after the gospel acclamation.
Who helped the half-dead jew in the parable of the Good Samaritan? Why was this important?
The Good Samaritan. This was important because Jews and Samaritans did not get along.
How many languages was the bible written in?
The bible was written in 3 languages. (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek)
Which does not belong: Job, Psalms, Titus
Titus does not belong.
What is the shortest book in the New Testament?
2 John
What is the only Gospel attributed to a Gentile (non-Jewish) writer?
The Gospel of Luke. Luke is also credited with writing Acts. These are the only two books of the entire Bible not written by Jewish authors.
Name the seed that Jesus used to compare the kingdom of God?
The mustard seed.
About how old is the bible?
The bible is about 2700 years old.
Who wrote the book of Genesis?
Moses wrote the book of Genesis.
How many people did Jesus raise from the dead?
He raised 3 people from the dead.
What part of the mass is the Gospel explained?
The Gospel is explained during the homily.
Explain the parable of the Hidden Treasure.
Example Answer: The parable how the kingdom of Heaven is like a hidden treasure. A man sells all he has to buy the hidden treasure in the field.
How do you read and locate a bible reference?
Example Response:
1. Find the book of the bible by referring to the index or by memory
2. Find the chapter by looking at the number before the colon ":"
3. Find the verse by looking at the number(s) after the colon ":"
4. Read and interpret the verse