The Great Wheel
Little Britches
Roll of Thunder
Number the Stars

WHere does the book take place?

Swiss Alps


Who is the protagonist of "The Great Wheel" and what is his initial job at Coney Island?

  • The protagonist is Conn Kilroy. His initial job at Coney Island is as a "candy butcher," selling candy to visitors.

Who is the author of Little Britches 

Ralph Moody 


Describe the setting of the novel and its impact on the story.

  • The story is set in Mississippi during the 1930s, a time of deep racial segregation and economic hardship. The setting underscores the challenges faced by African Americans and the pervasive racism of the era.

Describe the protagonist of the novel and her relationship with her Jewish friend Ellen Rosen.

  • The protagonist is Annemarie Johansen, a courageous and compassionate young girl. She and Ellen are best friends who face grave dangers together during the war.

For what purpose had Heidi been brought to Frankfurt?

To be friends with Clara 


Who is Trudy and how does he meet her? 

Trudy is a girl that Conn met on the ship coming to America. He is in love with her. 


Describe Ralph Moody's family and their reasons for moving to Colorado.

  • Ralph's family consists of his father (Charles), mother (Mary Emma), and siblings. They move to Colorado seeking a better life after Charles' health deteriorates due to his work as a farmer.
  • The story is set in Mississippi during the 1930s, a time of deep racial segregation and economic hardship. The setting underscores the challenges faced by African Americans and the pervasive racism of the era.
  • The Logan family encounters various forms of racism, including discrimination at school, mistreatment by white landowners, and acts of violence and intimidation. These experiences highlight the systemic injustices of the time.

What was the significance of the "fake funeral?"

To explain why many people were gathered together- the coffin hid the coats needed. 


What gift did Heidi bring to Grandmother?

Bread, her reading 


Describe the significance of the Great Wheel (Ferris wheel) in the story.

  • The Great Wheel symbolizes ambition, innovation, and the spirit of progress. Its construction represents Conn's personal growth and the larger theme of pursuing dreams despite challenges.

What challenges does Ralph face while working on various ranches and farms?

  • Ralph encounters physical labor, harsh conditions, and demanding tasks while working on different properties. He learns the value of hard work, perseverance, and self-reliance through these experiences.

What is the Climax of the book?

When TJ Breaks into the store- Papaw lights the fire for a distraction.


Discuss the significance of the Star of David necklace in the novel.

  • The Star of David necklace symbolizes identity and heritage for Ellen. Annemarie wears it to protect her friend and deceive the Nazis during a critical moment.

What did Peter do to Clara's wheelchair? Why did he do it?

He threw her chair over the mountain because he was jealous of Clara and Heidi's friendship. 


What Conflict did we see in the story?

man vs. man- Trudy vs. Conn

Man vs. self- Conn vs himself (trudy)


What are some life lessons that Little Britches learns? 

  • Ralph learns the importance of honesty, integrity, resilience, and compassion through the challenges he faces. He also gains valuable skills in ranching and horse handling that shape his future.

Who is Mr. Morrison? Why is he important to this story?

  • Mr. Morrison is a strong and protective figure who becomes a loyal friend and guardian to the Logan family. His presence offers support and security amidst the turbulent social climate.

What were 2 ways they talked/worked with secret messages 

Answers Vary 


What is the major theme of Heidi?


Coming of Age

Overcoming what Life Brings at you


What themes are explored in "The Great Wheel"?

  • Themes of ambition, perseverance, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams are explored in the story. The novel emphasizes the importance of resilience and believing in oneself despite obstacles.

Reflect on the overall themes and messages conveyed in "Little Britches."

  • "Little Britches" explores themes of family, resilience, perseverance, and the transformative power of hard work and determination. It highlights the importance of integrity and character in overcoming adversity.

How did the author use TJ in the story to teach a lesson. What was the lesson 

Make good choices. Respect parents. Choose friends wisely. 


 What themes are explored in "Number the Stars," and how are they conveyed through the characters' experiences?

  • Themes of friendship, sacrifice, resilience, and the human capacity for kindness and heroism are prominent in the novel. The characters' actions underscore the importance of empathy and standing up against injustice.