This character sacrificed themselves similar to his teacher
Coils are the only raid with these many turns
What is 13
Between the casters the melee and the tanks there are these 3 role abilities giving you party mits
Which are the first 3 extremes in the game
What is slam's best job
This character introduced in post ARR is trying to find their people a new home after failing a revolution against the empire
This raid boss will get on a car and run you over
Who is Titan
You get this XP bonus if you have kyoo on your party and 1 of these 2 types of players
These 3 extremes of msq primals are made fun of as the worst extremes in the game
Bismarck Laksmi and Leviathan
Ghullio's alias
Based on your starting location you will meet 1 of these 4 scions
Papalymo Yda Thancred and Yshtola
Maly abandoned cheklist's static on these 2 raid bosses
Eden and Shiva
If you do phase 1 of hell's kier perfectly you get this many debuffs
what is 10
This fight is infamous for noone knowing if its an extreme or not
What did merlin switch to for A4S
these are the first 3 dungeons in shadowbringers
What is Holmnister Switch , Dohn Mheg and The Qitana Ravel
Chaos is an omega boss originating from this final fantasy game
these are all the different invulns in the game
What Hallowed ground , Holmgang , Living Dead , Superbolide , trancendent
This collab extreme as boring as it is has 1 of the best mounts in the game
Who is rathalos
What is the infamous Ramady quote
High which is low
This character loses her fiance due to not healing him
who is Edda
Forgall is a boss fought in this raid
The Weeping City of Mhach
These swindler debuffs are the pain of our existence
Low Arithmeticks and High Arithmeticks
Thornmarch extreme has this many little moogles
Who was originally asking for prog time to change so he could join in the static