Technicality or unclear section of a written document that allows someone to avoid following a rule or fulfilling an obligation.
What is Trevor's story in the Bible that was an obvious favorite of his?
Noah and the flood
Who did Trevor grow up with mainly?
His mother (Pg. 35)
What was apartheid described as?
A perfect system of racism.
What was the name of the chapter/Trevor’s dog?
Fufi (Pg. 95)
Not requiring much skill and lacking prestige.
What was Trevor's favorite part of church?
The pastors casting out demons
What is Trevor’s dad name?
Robert(Pg. 24)
If Trevor were to get caught being half white and black, what happened to his family?
He would be taken away by police and be placed in the orphanage. (Pg. 29)
What was the name of Trevor mom’s dog?
Panther (Pg. 96)
Cry noisily, making loud, convulsive gasps.
In their religion, what did they have to do to break the curse on their house?
Burn the physical object used for said curse
Why did Trevor’s mom not want him eating at Grandpa's House?
She thought that they would get poison from Grandpa’s house. (Pg. 36)
When was the Immorality Act written?
What physical disability did Trevor’s dog have?
Deaf (Pg. 97)
Secretly and often dishonestly.
What part of communion did not make sense to Trevor?
That only Catholics could eat the crackers and juice (the body and blood of christ)
What tribe does Trevor’s mom come from?
Xhosa (Pg. 6)
What was the main Idea of the Immorality Act?
Prohibited intercourse between white and black.
How much money did Trevor mom’s pay to get Trevor’s dog back?
100 rand (Pg. 99) (100 rand = 5.38 USD Today)
Apparently or purportedly, but perhaps not actually.
In South African Christianity, what were "witch doctors" known as?
Sangomas or shamans
What would Trevor’s mom do when the car wouldn’t start?
Take the minibus or hitchhike. (Pg. 9)
Which European colonizer created the Apartheid?
The Dutch and the British.
What breed was Trevor mom’s dog?
Half Maltese Poodle, Half Bull Terrier (Pg. 96)