Who is Robert?
Trevor's father
What was the name of the system that legalized racial segregation and discrimination in South Africa?
Who was Trevor's first heartbreak?
Where was apartheid implemented?
South Africa
having a very eager approach to an activity?
Who was Koko to Trevor?
His Great Grandmother
Who was the first Black president of South Africa?
Nelson Mandela
What happened when Abel and Trevor were left alone with matches, a magnifying glass, and a mattress?
The white family's house was burnt down
Where did Koko live?
a virtue that means moderation, self restraint, or avoiding excesses. It can also refer to the practice of abstaining from alcohol or other drugs.
Who threw Trevor out of a moving car?
His mother
How many racial groups were categorized under apartheid?
Why was Trevor given his name?
It had no meaning/connection
Where were Trevor's grandparents and thousands of other blacks relocated?
is a technicality or ambiguity in a law or system that allows someone to avoid following a rule or fulfilling an obligation
Who referred to Trevor as Masta when he was a child?
His grandfather
What schools were Black people confined to under a certain act?
Bantu Schools
What did Trevor do when his grandmother left him home alone for a few hours?
He pooped on the floor
Where was Patricia's secret flat?
to make something more English in appearance, sound, or character.
What is Trevor's mom's name?
Patricia Noah
How old was Nelson Mandela when he became president?
What would Trevor do when the principal beat him?
He would laugh
What was the name of the neighborhood Abel lived in?
Orange Grove
To speak to a group of people in a forceful or angry way, often for a long time