What kind of food do Unicorns eat?
Bo lives in _____________ Forest.
When Bo sneezes what comes out of her nose?
I can grant wishes!
How are Unicorns born?
They POP into the world on really starry nights!
Unicorns like to swim in _________ lagoon.
What is the name of the Unicorn school?
Sparklegrove School for Unicorns
Bo made a special gift for Sunny. What was it?
A special patch.
What is Sunny's unicorn power?
To be invisible.
What is cloudtime?
Unicorn bedtime.
What is the name of this subject? "We learn music and dance!"
Magical Movement and Music
What do trolls love to eat?
Moldy cheese.
Where do Unicorns sleep in?
A healer Unicorn.
What was Mr. Rumptwinkle doing near the troll caves when he lost his necktie?
Keeping an eye on his students.
At the parade Sunny tripped and a huge bowl of ________ ice cream flew into the air!
In Sparklegrove forest there is a _________ castle.
What is the name of the fairy band?
The Flutter-byes
How does a Unicorn earn a patch?
Who was scared of the tree sprites
What power does Mr. Rumptwinkle have?
Shape-Shifter powers
What does Sunny do to become invisible or uninvisible?
Unicorns _______ when they are nervous.
I'm a Size-Changer Unicorn! what is my name?
Monty Dumpling
In Mane and Tail Styling class Mr. Rumptwinkle taught the unicorns a cool new braid. What happend to Nutmeg?
She got in a tanlge!