This character is the main character/protagonist of the story
Coriolanus Snow
The name of the city where Coryo lives
The Capitol
What does Lucy Gray still have from her mom?
What difficulty are the Gamemakers having with the 10th games?
Nobody is watching
What is the name of the drug the Dean is addicted to?
This character dropped out of university who studies fashion
This is where Lucy Gray is from.
District 12
What does Sejanus's family make money from?
What was Arachne doing when her tribute killed her?
taunting her with a sandwich
What kind of sandwiches did Sejanus bring for the tributes?
This character's dad bought his way into the Capitol
The name of the country the story takes place
What does Coriolanus have left from his mother?
makeup compact
When the war was going on, many people resorted to what?
What is posca?
watered down wine
The one tribute who refuses to accept food.
Where Sejanus is originally from.
District 2
What are animal is there a large amount of at the zoo?
What is the nickname did Coriolanus give Dean Highbottom
What flower did Tigris use when making the shirt for Coriolanus?
District 12 Male Tribute
This is where Coriolanus's family USED to make money from until it was destroyed in the war.
District 13
What did Lucy Gray slip down the dress of another girl in the reaping?
A snake.
Why do the snakes bite Clemensia when she sticks her hand in the cage?
they didn't recognize her scent
What was considered illegal during wartimes?
hoarding food