Green Day
The Sugarhill Gang
For the Trees
In the Flowers
Which structure is able to absorb light energy for photosynthesis?
Chloroplasts. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which is the pigment that absorbs light energy.
What are the male and female reproductive structures in a flower called?
Stamen= male reproductive structure
Pistil= female reproductive structure
What are the reactants and products for the chemical reaction of photosynthesis?
Reactants= Water and Carbon dioxide
Products= Oxygen and Glucose
*Light energy is needed to get the reaction started.
What are the two main groups of plants and what is the difference between them?
Vascular and non-vascular. Vascular plants have tubes that carry water/nutrients. Non-vascular plants do not.
What is the function of a flower?
Sexual reproduction!
How do roots help with photosynthesis?
They absorb water for photosynthesis and in some plants, they can help to store extra food in the form of starch.
How does this flower get pollinated?
Why does photosynthesis only happen in the daytime?
Photosynthesis requires light energy. When the sun is not out, the plant cannot photosynthesize. Cellular respiration happens all day long.
Give two characteristics of gymnosperms.
Gymnosperms are vascular and produce seeds.
Name all the female parts of a flower.
The entire female structure is called the pistil. The pistil is made of the stigma, style, and ovary. The ovary has ovules in it.
One day, I decided to give my plant a make-over. I decided to paint clear nail polish on the top and bottom of the leaves. What do you think would happen to the leaves and why? Be specific...not just "I think they will die because nail polish is poison."
The stomata would become blocked which would prevent photosynthesis because the leaves wouldn't get carbon dioxide or release oxygen.
Which part of a seed does sperm enter into the ovule? Which part of the seed is where it attaches to the ovary?
The micropyle is where the sperm enters into the ovule and the hilum is where the seed attaches to the ovary.
How does the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration work together?
Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water to create sugar and oxygen. Cellular respiration uses oxygen to break down the sugar into energy for the plant and releases carbon dioxide and water (which are the reactants for photosynthesis)
Compare ferns and sunflowers- list similarities and differences.
Both are vascular. Ferns do not produce seeds. Sunflowers do. Ferns reproduce by using spores that develop into gametophytes. Sunflowers' gametophytes develop within the plant and develop into pollen and ovules.
How can night-blooming plants attract pollinators?
Through their scent.
Identify the stem, leaves, and roots in this picture:
Ferns don't make seeds. How does it reproduce?
Ferns release spores which will grow into male and female gametophytes. The gametophytes produce egg(female) and sperm (male). The sperm needs to travel through a thin layer of water to fertilize an egg. When the egg is fertilized, it will grow into a new sporophyte.

Like all plants, this sundew plant uses photosynthesis. However, it also has this cool adaptation:

Why does it have this adaptation?
Carnivorous plants tend to be found in swamps or bogs. Nutrients in the soil are often leached away because of the excess water. They get supplemental nutrients from capturing insects.
Why are there no large moss plants?
Mosses are non-vascular so they have to absorb water and nutrients directly into their cells or the neighboring cells.
What is the difference between a monocot and dicot, in terms of the flower, stem, and leaf structure?
Monocots- flower parts in 3s, vascular tissue in the stem is scattered, and the veins are parallel Dicots- flower parts in 4s or 5s, vascular tissue in the stem are in a ring, and the veins are branched