Lodge Etiquette
Lodge Officers
Gavel Raps
Well Dressed Mason
Common Knowledge

Only this person can remove you from the Dugard

Who is the Worshipful Master?


To keep off all cowans and eavesdroppers, and not to pass or repass any but such as are duly qualified and have the Worshipful Master's permission.

Who is the Tyler?


This number of raps stands the Lodge Officers

What are 2 raps?


Emblem of fidelity and a token of Friendship.

What are White Gloves?


Common Gavel and 24" Guage 

What are the tools of an Entered Apprentice?  


This should be done before freely moving around the lodge to give a lecture/speech.

What is ask for permission to freely move around the Lodge?


To receive all monies paid into the lodge from the hands of the Secretary, keep a regular and just account of the same, and pay it out by the order of the Worshipful Master and the consent of the Lodge.

Who is the Treasure?


This number of raps stands everyone present

What are 3 raps?


Black Suit ( w/ white shirt, black tie, black socks & black shoes)

What is the Masonic uniform?


Brothers of the Gavel meets on these two days at these two times.

What is 2nd Tuesday at 7 pm and 4th Saturday at 12pm?


You must ___ _____ _____ and wit to be acknowledged before STANDING to speak.

What is rap 3 times?


To observe the Worshipful Master's will and pleasure, record the proceedings of the Lodge, and transmit a copy to the grand lodge if required.

Who is the Recording Secretary?


This number of raps brings the room to order, as well as seats everyone. 

What is 1 rap?


An emblem of innocence and a badge of a mason.

What is the white apron?


Masons always step off on this foot

What is the left foot?


This should be done when a brother falls on hard times or any personal issues in life.

What is Communicating with the Worshipful Master?


As the sun in the south, at high meridian, is the beauty and glory of the day, so stands the _____ _____ in the south, then better to observe the time, call the craft from labor to refreshment, superintend them during the hours thereof, and see that the means of refreshment be not converted into intemperance or excess; and call them on to labor again, that they may have pleasure and profit thereby.  

Who is the Junior Warden?


This number of raps stands everyone for the Supreme President. 

What are 7 raps?


Should sit straight on top of a brother's head.

What is the fez?


The year BOTG was founded

What is 2011?


This should be done only before speaking to the Worshipful Master.

What is a salute with the penalty sign?


To carry orders from the Senior Warden in the west to the Junior Warden in the south and elsewhere around the lodge, as he may direct, and see that the lodge is tyled. 

Who is the Junior Deacon?


This number of raps stands everyone to receive a national district officer. 

What are 5 raps?


to assume a facial expression indicating pleasure, favor, or amusement, but sometimes derision or scorn, characterized by an upturning of the corners of the mouth.

What is a Smile?


All penalty signs are completed with this hand 

What is the right hand?