Self Image & Making Decisions
Smoking & Biofeedback
Alcohol & Marijuana
Communication Social Skills
Assertion & Conflict Resolution

Self Image is formed through our past experiences - successes and failures. 

Self-Image can NOT be formed by what others think of us.  

What is a FALSE?

Self-Image is also be formed by what others think of us!  


Fewer people smoke today more than ever before.

True or False


What is TRUE?

Fewer people smoke than we might think. In reality, smokers a small minority, with a vast majority of teenagers and adults being NON SMOKERS


What does Alcohol do to the body? 

What is:

Slows ability to think clearly & can cause people to make poor decisions

Slows down other areas of the brain and nervous system

Causes dizziness

Decreases co-ordination 

Decreases Reaction Time

Makes it harder to speak, walk, and stay awake

Can cause people to lose consciousness, or temporarily lose their memory


2 types of communication

What are: VERBAL & NON VERBAL Communication?

VERBAL COMMUNCIATION: refers to specific words that we use and our voice inflections (tone of our voice)

NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION: refers to body language (e.g. mannerisms, facial expressions, body positions, body & hand gestures.... 


Some advantages to being assertive.

What is: 

Increase the likelihood of getting what you want and personal satisfaction?

Learning to:

Act in your own best interest

Stand up for yourself

Express yourself with honesty & openly 

Exercise your own right, without denying the rights of others. 

Build self confidence

Develop leadership skills


The 3 C's of Decision Making.

What are:

CLARIFY: What decisions you need to make

CONSIDER: the possible alternatives, the consequences of choosing each alternative and think up as many solutions as possible.     

CHOOSE: the best alternative and take the necessary action(s) 


Schools, School Grounds, Public Transportation, Public Housing, Supermarkets, Hospitals, Restaurants, Airplanes 

What are: examples of places where people are no longer allowed to smoke or where smoking has been limited to certain areas, as a result of Non-Smoker Rights


How does Alcohol Affect the BEHAVIOR?  

What is?

Can lead to fighting, arguing and violence; talking louder than usual; foolish obnoxious unsafe behavior and choices, such a drinking and driving, getting into a car with someone else drunk driving, feeling more daring than usual and taking unnecessary risks...


Mutual Exchange with another person.



Examples of Non-Verbal Assertive Skills

What are: 

EYE CONTACT: Look directly into the eyes of the person whom you are speaking

FACIAL EXPRESSION: Make sure your facial expression matches what you are saying.

BODY POSITION/POSTURE: Face the person to whom you are speaking and stand up straight.  

DISTANCE: Stand a comfortable distance from the person to whom you are speaking (generally about 3-4 feet) 


____ _____ is focusing not only on what we do well, but also on how we can do better in those situations; taking steps and creating future goals.



Parts of the Body affected by Smoking. 

What is:

EARS: Affects the nerves & blood vessels in the ears and may lead to hearing loss

EYES: Causes the eyes to become red and may lead to loss of eye sight

MOUTH: Harms the skin covering the lips, tongue, & throat and impact taste buds. Causes bad coughs, bad breath and mouth infections

NOSE: Decreases ability to smell

SKIN: Causes the temperature of the skin to drop. Causes wrinkles on the face to appear 

LUNGS: Makes it harder to breath normally.

HEART: Narrows the blood vessels, making the heart work harder, to pump blood through them



What happens when a __________ has a lot of alcohol.

What is Person, underaged, adult...? 

What is: drinking alcohol is absorbed through the walls of the STOMACH and INTESTINES, directly into the BLOOD STREAM.

Then it travels through the BLOOD to the BRAIN & it DEPRESSES or SLOWS DOWN the BRAINS ACTIVITIES.   


To maintain/keep a conversation going?

What is: TO SUSTAIN a conversation?


1. Calmly and firmly standing up for your rights without infringing on others.

2. Acting a hostile manner that may infringe on others rights

3. Accepting without objection or resistance not responding or reacting to something you feel strongly about  



What is PASSIVE?


A power indirectly affecting a person or an action.



A poisonous, water soluble alkaloid found in tobacco leaves which act a stimulant 


What is NICOTINE? 


Dried mixture of leaves vines, seeds, and stems of a hep plant called "cannabis sativa" Generally used to mal home made "cigarettes called joints or cigarettes.


Scientists have discovered that Marijuana can causes:

the heart to beat faster

people's hands are less steady  

people to feel tired & sleepy

Makes is unsafe to drive a car or operate machinery

Harder to pay attention

Harder to learn new things

Harder to remember things

Make people feel nervous, confused, paranoid, depressed.


The following are skills for avoiding: _________________

1. Send Message 

2. Be Specific

3. Ask Questions

4. Paraphrase

What is Misunderstandings/Miscommunications

*A Misunderstanding is a failure in communication.


Examples of "I" Statements

What are:

I feel..

I want...

I don't like....

I can...

I will....

I agree...

I see where you're coming from...

I understand why you may feel that way

as opposed to phrases like: 

"You always, You never...."

"I" statements are an important, effective part of communication.


______ ______is a strategy by which someone convinces someone else to do think or say something. 



Smoking relaxes an individual by calming nerves, steadying hands and lowering the heart rate. 

True or False 

What is FALSE?

Smoking has immediate effects on smokers' heart rates and hand steadiness. It speeds up the heart rate and decrease hand steadiness 

The effects can be demonstrated and measured by taking someone's pulse.



A parent or guardian has no liability (no fault for police to issue a citation or charge against adult host) if a group of under aged teens, consume alcohol on their property, or in their homes; especially if the parents were not home?

True or False 

What is FALSE?


Verbal AND Non-verbal ways, in which Ms. Citrin Communicates her message with your class. 


Ms. Citrin uses affirming and specific words. 

"I am seeing your table meeting expectations"

"I am hearing some really questions being asked"

"I am seeing some students taking the initiative to hand out folders, listen, do their work..."


Turns lights on/off to get your attention.

Hand out stickers to let you know you're meeting/exceeding class room expectations.

Holds hand high in the air & counts down from 5 with fingers, to let you know it's time to listen vs. talk 




Simple NO: "No. No, thanks." 

Tell it like it is: "No thanks. I don't _________."

Give an excuse: "No, thanks. I am in a hurry."

The Big Stall: "No, thanks. Maybe later." 

Change the subject: Say no & start talking about something else

Broken record: "Repeat No over & over or give variations on your NO response. No, thanks" "No." "I'm not interested."

Walk Away: Say "No." & walk away.

The Cold Shoulder: Ignore the other person

Avoiding the Situation: Stay away from any situation where you are more likely to be pressured to smoke.

What are Refusal Techniques: Ways of saying NO?

To be used assertively when offered unhealthy choices (Ex: smoking, vaping, drinking...)
