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MRHM... or any other combination of consonants
Name that Study Site: Methods
Name that Study Site: Results
Potent Potables
What are the study objectives in this paper?
develop predictive tools to aid culvert design for preserving or restoring salt marshes a) immediate effect -- tidal range b) short term -- vegetation c) long term -- hydrology, habitat that develops
What field data was used to derive the model?
1) culvert dimensions 2) hypsometric curve of marsh 3) water levels within the marsh 4) transect lines
Daily Double!
Name the state for each study site salt marsh.
How were the flooded areas of all three sites calculated?
1) computer-generated water level changes 2) total marsh areas 3) survey-based hypsometric curves
What is crucial for successful restoration in the minds of the authors of this paper?
knowledge of the tidal range to be expected after restoration in terms of the current geomorphology
Beat Your Neighbors!
Name the most human impacts that result in salt marsh degradation. All groups have one minute.
How was the hypsometric curve derived?
Contour elevations within the marsh (including creeks)
This site has not undergone any restoration, inadvertent or otherwise.
What is Oak Knoll?
How was salt marsh habitat development predicted?
related potential flooding levels to plant distributions along the elevation gradient downstream of each restriction
What is the primary goal of salt marsh restoration?
Approximate natural healthy systems
What are some of the averse effects of tidal restrictions in salt marshes? (This paper highlights three...)
1) the spread of invasive and exotic species 2) restricted nekton distribution 3) decoupling the natural sedimentation process
Daily Double!
What do the letters stand for in this acronym?
This study site was first diked and used as a pasture around 1848.
What is Drakes Island?
From Table 2, which plant species exhibited the broadest range (in terms of min and max elevation) and at which marsh was it located?
Spartina alterniflora at Oak Knoll
How were the outcomes of restoration predicted?
1) simulations using the MRHM model 2) flooding requirements for local species observed at reference sites
According to the paper, what does long term successful restoration depend on?
adequate sediment loads and sedimentation rates to re-establish the geomorphology and vegetation of the natural salt marsh
What are some modelling options available to a person running the model?
culvert sizes, depths, length, angle flap gates more culverts
This study site formed in a fluvial valley and was primarily flooded by snow melting in the summer. As a result, it has the lowest salinity and lowest tidal range of the three.
What is Mill Brook?
Group Graph!
Figure 4 Discussion in each team.
One scenario in which marsh predicted that 78% of the salt marsh would become a fresh marsh. (Hint: Table 4). Name that marsh.
Mill Brook
What does the paper highlight as a major engineering structure improperly implemented into salt marshes that resulted in significant hydrological changes and ultimately salt marsh degradation?
Describe the inputs to the model.
1) water in/out of culvert 2) secondary water fluxes 3) downstream water level from tidal record note: used changes in water volume to dictate water levels
This is study site formed approximately 6000 years ago as a back barrier salt marsh.
What is Oak Knoll?
What causes the accretion of sediment and development in plant production as a result of changes in marsh surface elevation? (Hint: marsh elevation dynamics, pg 551-552)
Larger fluxes in mineral matter and nutrients
Beat Your Neighbors!
What are the factors that control the desired tidal signal for restoration in salt marshes?