
Name the 3 points on the Bounce Back triangle

Thoughts, Feelings, Actions

Why is it important to remember who we are connected to or who is on our team at school or home?

It is important so that we know who is a part of our support system in case we need support or are struggling


Name two people who you can go to when you need someone to help you feel better.

My mom, my dad, my sibling(s), my aunt, my uncle, my grandma, my grandpa, my cousin, my friend, my teacher, my school counselor, my coach, a trusted adult


Name one thing you can do to calm your body down

Take a deep breath, use a relaxation technique, talk to an adult or friend, think of a happy and calm place, do something that I enjoy doing, use Brave Thoughts and Courage Cards


When you are belly breathing which way should your stomach or stuffed animal go when you take a deep breath in?

Your stomach should go inward, towards you


Name 2 things you can do if your Feeling Thermometer is Rising during recess because someone just cut in line in front of you for 4 square.

Use words to say what you are feeling or upset about, use Helpful or Courage thoughts, relax your body, ask an adult for help, ask a friend for help, walk away, ignore, do something that makes you feel better 


When you are working on your I Can Do It Ladder steps, should you start with the hardest step or an easier step first? 

An easier step first


Which would be a more helpful thing to think in your thought bubble before your spelling test, " I can focus and do my best," or "I want to kick a trash can?"

"I can focus and do my best"


Which would be more likely to help you calm down, "yelling at your friend," or doing a "body scan?"

Doing a "body scan"
