Bubble Space
Accepting "No"
Okay or Not?

How can we know if someone wants to be hugged or if it's okay to put your arm around them? 

The only time we know is if we ask or they tell us! We should never assume that it's okay to touch someone without permission, even if you think they are a friend! 


What is bubble space? Show us.

Arms expanded out. Allowing space between others.


Is it okay to tell people no or to stop

YES! If people are making us uncomfortable or doing something we don't like we should tell them NO or to stop. 


Is it okay to put your arm around someone you don't know very good?



At recess a friend tells you to go over and hug a girl who is playing with her friends. Is this okay? 

No. We shouldn't hug people without asking permission.


Someone who you don't really talk to comes up to you and starts playing with your hair. Is this okay? explain.

No, we should not touch people without their permission


How do you feel when someone tells you "no". Explain.

You may feel embarrassed or upset but we should always listen to others and stop when they say no!


Is it okay to elbow bump a friend in the hall? 

Yes, that is usually okay as long as you are following the rules


Ms. Smith looks sad. You want to make Ms. Smith feel better so you ask to give her a hug. She shrugs her shoulders. Did Ms. Smith give consent? Explain.

No we should not hug people without permission. When someone shrugs their shoulders it's a good sign that they don't want to be hugged. 


You are in line and someone accidentally walks into you. What do you do?

You could say excuse me, you could take a couple of steps back or ask them to so their is more distance between you and them. 


What should you do if someone tells you NO! 

You should stop what you are doing and apologize!
If you are in the cafeteria and trying to make your friends laugh would it be okay to trip someone as a joke? 

NO! We could hurt and embarrass them. We shouldn't hurt others at our expense!


You are in the bathroom and someone pushes you into the stall with them... what do you do next?

Tell them no! Scream if you need to and tell someone right away! 


Name a situation where it would be okay to get into someone's bubble space.

If we have permission first and if it's family. 

Right now we should stay out of most people's bubble because of COVID!


If you put your arm around a friend what are some ways you could tell that they don't want you to do that? 

If they did not ask then we should assume they didn't want you to! 

If they shrug their shoulders or look at you funny or tell you to stop then they probably didn't want you to. 


If your best friend is sad and crying is it okay to ask them if they want a hug or a pat on the back? 

Yes, it's okay to ask. If they say yes then hug them but if they say no then don't! 


What does it mean to give consent?

 When somebody gives you permission to do something.


You are playing with your friends during recess, one of your friends touches you in a way that feels uncomfortable. What do you do?

Tell them to stop, talk to an adult


If you see your friend in the hall is it okay to run up and slap them on the back or put your arm around them? 

No because of COVID we should not be touching people at all! Plus if they did not ask for you to do that then you should keep your hands to yourself. 


If try to hug a friend and they say to stop is it okay to keep doing it because they are your friend?

NO! We should always respect people and listen to what they want! 
