Personal Boundaties
Types of Boundaries
True or false

A person can have both porous and rigid boundaries.


"Most people have a mix of boundaries. For example, a person may have more rigid boundaries for co-workers, while having porous ones with a significant other. 


Name an example of a Physical Boundary

Touch, hugging, kissing, shaking hands, can be cultural. Personal space "bubble"


Pretend your baby brother is crying because he is really thirsty and wants some juice. You notice that mom is getting baby brother some milk or water. You decided to go give baby brother juice. 

Did you violate a boundary by giving baby brother juice when mom was in the process of giving him milk or water? Why?

Yes, you have violated a boundary in the family. This is a boundary violation because mom and dad are responsible for taking care of kids. Moms and Dads know when it is ok for baby brother to have juice and when it is more healthy for baby to drink milk or water.


Name some examples of non-verbal communication. 

Nodding, eye contact, staying awake, not being distracted.


Name an example of how a boundary could be different in another culture. 

inappropriate to express emotions. 

others expression of emotions are encouraged. 


Name an example of emotional boundaries.

personal feelings

Limitations of when and what to share. "time and place"

being validated 


Is lying to your friends a boundary violation?

Yes! Lying to your friends does not feel very good and it can hurt the friendship,

Some people, it may depend, such as protecting one one self, or not being ready to tell the truth. 


Name some examples of verbal communication. 

Say yes, "hmm" 

asking follow up questions



What is a characteristic of a health boundary? 

Values own opinions.

doe not compromise values

Shares personal information in appropriate ways

accepting when others say "no" to them


Name an example of Material Boundaries. 

Money and possessions

who you may lend a car to - family vs new person 

respecting of property. not taking without asking or destroying


Name one consequence that can happen if you violate your friend's personal boundary?

1. They stop being your friend.

2. Your friend will feel uncomfortable

Name some examples of body language for active listening. 

unfolded arms,

good posture

eye contact/awake


What is a characteristic of a rigid boundary? 

Avoids intimacy

unlikely to ask for help

very protective of personal information

has few close personal relationships


Name an example of a spiritual boundary. 

respecting others beliefs

setting aside time for engaging in spirituality

knowing your own limits and values


If a family member asks you to stop doing something because it makes them feel uncomfortable, is it no big deal if you keep doing it?  

No, it is definitely a big deal. Every family member deserves to feel safe. If you are doing something that makes your family member feel sad, mad, scared or bothered then they aren't feeling very safe.


Name some examples of ways people communicate.

in person


text/phone calls

social media


What is a characteristic of a Porous Boundary? 


difficulty saying no to others

accepting abuse or disrespect

Dependent of others opinions


Name an example of a time boundary.

setting aside time for one self care

respecting other peoples time/value

knowing when you may not have the capacity to do something


Is lying ok only if you do it so you don't get in trouble?

No, lying is never ok. You will likely be in more trouble for the lie than the mistake you made that caused you to lie.

Name some examples of active listening


not being distracted

having non-verbal/and or verbal communication

asking appropriate questions
