Powerpoint Review

What are three CLEAR boundary areas we have with inmates?

Being friends, sexual contact, physical contact aside from a handshake, having family or friends as clients, giving inmates prohibited items, accepting prohibited items or gifts from inmates.


True or false: counselors are encouraged to participate in the “check in” question when running group.



You conduct a 1:1 at 2:00 that goes until 2:30, so you have to rush to make it to your 2:30 group. In the meeting the participant told you that she is feeling extremely depressed and is feeling threatened by a specific person on the unit. Since you have group to run, you plan to tell your supervisor after your group ends at 3:30. Is this correct? Why or why not.

No-immediately report it to your supervisor, someone else can cover group for you.


Who are the State Director and Assistant State Director for the DOC branch of Spectrum?

Earl Warren and Jen Zachary


What are three risk factors for a boundary violation?

Death, divorce, personal or family illness, financial difficulties, retirement, demotion, low self esteem, job dissatisfaction, physical or social isolation from staff.


One of the sayings we always say in regards to boundaries is “friendly not familiar.” What could be an example of being friendly but not familiar with a participant?

Answers will vary.


How should you respond if you notice your coworker is having frequent individual meetings in their office with a participant on their caseload OUTSIDE of their scheduled meeting time.

Address it with your coworker and see what is going on. If the behavior does not change go to your supervisor.


Who is the Director of Treatment for MCIF and SMCC? Spelling counts!

Patrice Hollomon


What are two areas or situations in which boundaries may blur or be a grey area?

Physical contact (times where we are permitted to give a handshake), self disclosure, giving or receiving gifts.


Generally speaking, participants are NOT allowed another packet if they lose or misplace theirs. What is an exception to this rule?

If they move units or they were admitted to an outside hospital.


You go on Instagram and you notice an inmate that you worked with a few months has liked one of your picture and requested to follow you. How do you respond?

Ignore them and let your supervisor know first thing in the morning. You do not need to reach out to your supervisor if it is after hours, this can wait to be reported for the morning.


How do you pronounce Natalie's last name?

Natalie will determine:)


Other than violating boundaries with inmates, who are 2 other people you could violate boundaries with in the workplace?

People in your office/Spectrum coworkers, officers, CPO’s, other DOC staff.


What is a reason why a supervisor might allow a counselor to meet with a caseload participant more frequently than their allotted times?

Participant is leaving soon and still needs to work on reentry plan or participant is struggling in their need area and needs more frequent sessions.


One of the inmates who cleans your office regularly walks in one day and tries to give you a holiday card for the office. It has all of your office mates names on it. Can you accept it? Why or why not.

Yes, as long as it is displayed for all to see and it is not personalized to one counselor.


Name one of Bailey's pet chickens!

Mozzarella, Kyrie, Honey Chicken, Peep Peep, Zoey, Boots, Sophia, Antoinette.


Give TWO options for how this sentence can end: A client cannot be your ______.

Friend, lover, natural support, business partner, relative, employee or employer, accomplice.


What is an example of counter transference that you could experience at work with a participant?

Answers will vary. Counter transference is when counselors own opinions or experiences affects treatment.


What is an appropriate response if a participant tells you that they do not trust their Spectrum one on one counselor and that they do not like meeting with them?

You could tell them that all of the Spectrum counselors are qualified and are here to help but they are free to write a letter requesting a new counselor.


Who is the President/CEO of Spectrum? Spelling counts!

Kurt Isaacson
