Reasoning: It can help determine if your a good match or not.
Favorite food
It's so I can make your fav dish and be a good person.
Going into different bedrooms, means?
what do you want to do when you finish school
Reasoning: So I can know if you're able to support my LUXURYYY lifestyle! (jkjk)
How would u treat them?
Makes sure u can treat people e respect
If I was sad how would you help me overcome it?
Helps ig
What is your favourite thing to do when you are sad.
Reasoning: It's so I know that we have the same interests.
If I spent too much money on clothes and make up what would you do
finaicial stability!
!? idk
Let’s say I broke something, how would u deal with the situation
Again, helps
What is something that you respect the most
So I don’t disrespect that thing so we don’t argue about that and ruin our relationship
Resolving fights would help with what?
Helps to get over future arguments and fights
Yes please!
How would you deal if one of our kids had a tantrum?
How would you cool them down?
if I said I love u how would u respond?
Same thing
How would you deal with anger?
Rage rooms? Therapy? and what else?
Amazing office/corporate job?
If you found out I had a diff interest, one that u didn't like what would u do?
If you don't like it you can tell me but not force me to stop (unless is an addictive one)
Let's say I did something to myself without you realizing, and u later find out what would ur response be?
Would you be comforting about it or just yell at me
Am I real?