He's a skinhead and leader of the LAPD Union who once told viewers on Fox News that he has "bounties" on his two daughters heads.
Who is LAPD Detective/Actor Jamie McBride
The first recorded history of the LAPD #gaslighting was reproduced on film starring which famous actress in what movie?
Who is Angelina Jolie in Changeling?
The owner of this website was kidnapped by the LAPD in retaliation for filing internal affairs complaints.
What is Killercop.com?
This social media account on Twitter was described by the LAPD as "domestic terrorism, at it's worse."
What is Killercop1984?
The bounties on the LAPD officers are what, according to the LAPD union?
What is double for detectives and females?
He's a professional liar for the LAPD union who once told viewers on Fox News that Killercop.com is "threatening federal officials and LAPD officers since 2002"
Who is Robert Rico, head legal counsel for the LAPD union.
The first mention of the word "bounty" to kill LAPD officers was reported online in what year and by only one news station.
When is May 16, 2001 and 1, ABC News?
The owner of this website was accused by the LAPD of selling weapons in violation of federal law through a representative of the FBI.
What is Killercop.com?
Federal U.S. Marshals appeared at the front gate at the home of Killercop.com demanding he take down the what and the what?
What is the Facebooks and 'the Twitter?'
1000 dollars for males officers and what?
What is "2000 dollars for detectives and females?"
He once told Fox News viewers, "We have people who have taken the list and are now criminally, we believe, making threats against the safety of officers, calling for a 'bounty' and 'awarding a bounty' for individuals who would go out and kill a cop."
Who is ex chief of the LAPD, Michel Moore?
This gang offered to protect an LAPD Captain from Dorner?
Who is The Bounty Hunter Bloods?
According to the LAPD this website is run and owned by a "gang" affiliated person in California, offering large cash rewards to kill LAPD officers.
What is Killercop.com
How many times has Twitter suspended the account of judge Matz to keep it from discussing Killercop.com?
What is twice?
Brian Entin of Newsnation told his viewers that Killercop.com is absolutely what?
What is horrifying?
He once told Fox News viewers that the Tweets on X from @Killercop1984 were "domestic terrorism at it's worse."
Who is Robert Rico, head legal counsel for the LAPD union.
Even cops hate cops.
Who is Christopher Dorner?
The first LAPD detective to conduct a "full investigation" on Killercop.com is now doing what?
What is rotting in the ground, dead?
The year Youtube DELETED all social media videos related to Killercop.com after the LAPD filed a frivolous, malicious and vindictive lawsuit filled with lies about Killercop.com.
What is 2024?
Its about you not finding out about their lies and corruption that "threatens" federal officials and "LAPD officers."
What is Killercop's legal speech that threatens the LAPD and federal officials?
He once told NewsMax.com viewers "It's the city's screw-up that disclosed information that should have never been disclosed, and other sites are exploiting that information and putting bounties on cops' heads."
Who is Tom Saggau, spokesman for LAPPL?
They beat their wives 40% of the time.
What is an LAPD cop?
This website has been described as a dangerous' and 'abhorrent' threat, a 'potential' threat, an 'actual' threat, a 'clear and direct' threat, an 'existing' threat and a 'credible' threat.
What is things lawyers for the LAPD say Killercop.com is?
After being caught lying about Killercop.com on Fox News he began to delete the evidence on his 'official' Instagram page to coverup his lies.
Who is LAPD detective Jamie McBride?
The bounties on the LAPD officers fall into what three categories, according to the legacy media?
What is kill, murder and assassinate?