Tells others what to do
What is an Autocratic leadership style
What are the school colors?
What is Blue and Gold
What is one reason to do leadership
What is connecting with people, being part of fun projects, and making decisions for events
Name one event leadership runs
What is ______
Leaders must be able to say how things are truthfully yet with compassion. They must be h______
What is being honest
Gathers others feedback before making a decision
What is a Participative leadership style
What animal fills the blank
Bow valley _______
What is Bobcats
What grades can do leadership at Bow Valley
What is grades 9-12
What is one thing that happens at Halloween Havoc
What is_______
Leaders must go the extra mile-they have to be willing to do the h__________.
What is hard work
Turns decisions over to others
What is a Delegative leadership style
What is our mascot name
What is bobby
What are the different types of leadership classes
Grade 9 leadership during the school day
Grade 10-12 before school on Fridays
What is Cochrane classic and what does it raise money for
Cochrane High vs Bow Valley hockey game to raise money for Acta Vets
A leader must put all of their concentration on a particular project or issue, they need to be very f_________.
What is focused.
Leads a group based on what is occurring and needed at the time
What is a Situational leadership style
Name 3 different school clubs
What is_________
What does TNT stand for
Till Next Time
Leaderships cannot be closed minded, they must be o__________
What is open-minded.
My way or the highway
What is an Autocratic leadership style
What year was bow valley built
What is 2001
Name two events we run and tell us what they are and what happens during them.
What is _____
Leaders must not be rude, they need to be r_________ to everyone.
What is respectful