The year Boxwood Coffee was born
What is 2014?
What is the official nickname of New Jersey?
What is the Garden State?
What 2000s Disney Channel Original Movie is animated and set in Hawaii?
Lilo & Stitch
What Pokémon is #25 in the Pokédex and serves as the franchise's mascot?
Pikachu ⚡🐭
What snack is known for its orange, finger-staining cheese dust?
What are Cheetos?
A "Boxwood" is really a what?
What is a plant?
Before becoming one of the world’s biggest pop stars, what NJ native co-wrote songs for Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, and the Jonas Brothers?
Who is Lady Gaga?
What 2006 Nickelodeon show featured a group of kids running their own podcast/web show?
iCarly 📹💻
What does “GG” stand for in online gaming slang?
Good Game 🎮🤝
What snack is famously known as "America’s Favorite Cookie"?
What are Oreos?
The total number of shift leads? ( ideally)
What is 8?
What was found in Haddonfield, New Jersey, in 1858?
what is a dinosaur? (first officially recorded dinosaur discovery in North America)
What popular 2000s teen movie featured the iconic line: “She doesn’t even go here!”?
Mean Girls 💅🎀
What childhood game involves players passing a secret phrase around a circle, often leading to hilarious misunderstandings?
Telephone ☎️
What snack was banned in several U.S. states because it was considered a choking hazard?
What are Kinder Eggs?
What is Erin's coffee order and favorite tea?
What is flat white with hazelnut & oat milk and turmeric ginger?
What NJ's only sports team?
What/ who are The NJ Devils?
What year did the i pod touch come out?
The iPod Touch was first released on September 5, 2007!
In the board game Clue, what weapon was removed from the game in 1972?
The Revolver 🔫 (It was replaced with a Wrench!)
What candy was originally called “Opal Fruits” when first released in the UK?
What are starburst?
What was Boxwood Westfield previously ?
What is Panera?
In Newark, NJ, 1933 - what state of the art improvement was made to the auto mobile?
What is AC? (In 1933, the Cramer Air Conditioning Company in Newark, NJ, created the first car with AC.)
What was the first-ever video uploaded to YouTube in 2005?
What is - Me at the zoo” (by YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim) 🦒
What is the best-selling video game of all time?
Minecraft ⛏️
What snack food’s name comes from the German word for "little twists"?
What are pretzels?