Having to use more and more of a substance over time
What is tolerance?
Body skill used to decrease anxiety
What is deep breathing
These people/places/things/emotions that causes cravings
This "step" in a 12-step program suggests that you look to something greater than yourself to recover.
What is Step 2?
This alone is not sufficient to overcome alcohol or addiction
Each year in the U.S. nearly 85000 people die from this legal drug, making it the third leading preventable cause of death in our country.
A coping skill you can use at any time of the day, anywhere
What is going to a meeting
A person begins to feel sorry for him or herself.
What "step" suggests that you make amends to people you have harmed
What is Step 9?
Abstinence alone is not enough. The twelve-steps also help you work on these personal flaws?
Withdrawal from this drug can cause restless behavior, depressed mood, fatigue, increased appetite, vivid, and unpleasant dreams and slowing of daily activity.
Twelve step programs recommend to get one of these to help guide you through the steps
What is finding a sponsor?
Thinking "I got this."
This "step" asks you to write about areas of guilt, fear, regret, embarrassment or anger.
What is Step 4?
"To stay sober and help other achieve sobriety." This statement is ______ __________ of AA
Approximately 10% of the population
What percentage of people are addicted to drugs or alcohol?
Information or an emergency kit to help an individual from using again. This kit could include 12 step information, important phone numbers, healthy recreational activities to participate in.
What are the words that make up the acronym H.A.L.T.
Step 10 suggests that you do this activity each day
What is monitor yourself for any wrong behaviors and admit when you are wrong?
Addiction is a disease of these 3 things.
________________ is the pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction
You can use this to change negative thoughts to positive thoughts.
A seemingly rational reason for behavior that moves a person in recovery close to a slip.
The 12th tradition tells us to place __________ before ____________.
What is principles and personalities?
What is the "birthday" of A.A. (year alone is acceptable)