Finish the phrase from promo for a popular musical turned movie. “ That’s my line….”
James Charles
Who is the founder of B.O.Y?
Jada Tsion
Finish the song lyric.
When I get up all in ya (yeah)
We can hear the angels calling us (chyeah)
We can see the sunrise before us (yeah)….
And when I'm in that thang, I'll make that body sang
Name the movie from the quotes.
“Eat my s***”
“Minnie don’t burn chicken”
“You is kind, you is smart, you is imprortant”
The Help
Finish the phrase coined from viral video of a city Councilman. “When they go low…
“ I go low-er.”
“ Guess who’s jealous of Adele? BEYONCÉ ”
Wendy Williams
What does the acronym B.O.Y stand for?
Bet On Yourself
Finish the lyric.
But you my lifeline, think you tryna kill me
If I wasn't B, would you still feel me?
Like on my worst day?
Or am I not thirsty enough?
I don't care about the lights or the beams
Spend my life in the dark for the sake of you and me
Who does Tyler Perry play in most of his movies, besides himself?
Finish the phrase from recent self-elected President of Pakistan. “ I’m not talking, unless…
“ y’all given me land and $2000 or more, every week.”
Amy from 1000lb sisters/ 1000lb sisters
What is the name of Shavani K.’s business?
Working Girl Collective
Finnish the lyric.
Don't leave, it's my fault (fault)
Don't leave, it's my fault
Don't leave, it's my fault
Cause when it all comes crashing down I'll need you
'cause you make my earth quake
Name the show from the list of characters.
Abbott Elementary
Finish the quote from the famous talk show host. “Denial is a river in Egypt…”
“ your husband is gay.”
“ She not a girl, it’s Miss Toler”
Rolling Ray
Hat type of playing ball is included in the logo/graphic for B.O.Y?
An eight-ball
Finish the lyric.
Cotton candy, Majin Buu, oh, oh, ohh
Close my eyes and fall into you, you, you
My God, she's giving me pleasure
In what show by Shonda Rhimes does Kerry Washington have an affair with the president?
Finish the quote from the a popular contestant on the dating reality show Flavor of Flav. “ Beyoncé? Beyonce? You know who you really look like?”
“ You look like Luther Vandross.”
“ Do you know you save 30 minutes?”
Tiffany Pollard AKA New York
What is the title of the book does Jada always recommends in meetings?
The Artist’s Way
Finish the lyric.
I saw you walking
Down on Melrose
You looked like an angel
Straight out of Heaven, girl
What movie is this quote from. “
“I'd never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go.”