First Aid Process
What to do if Someone is choking
Nose , Frostbite and Sunburn
Minor Burns and Blisters
Poisonous Plants Animal Bites, Insect Bites
This is the first step to the first aid process
What is access the situation: are there dangers, how many are injured, how were they injured.
If you suspect someone is choking, this is the first thing you do.
What is ask them "are you choking", or "are you o.k."
This is what to do when frostbitten
What is put on dry clothing, wrap injured area and get help Do not rub. Rewarm if no chance of refreeze.
Something you never do with blisters
What is do not pop them
After touching a poisonous plant like poison ivy, this is the first thing you should do
What is wash affected area with soap and water
In urgent care, this is what ABC stands for
What is airway, breathing, circulation
This is what you do, after you have found out someone is choking
What is have someone get help and tell individual you know first aid and you are here to help
These are the warning signs of frostbite
What is numbness, grayish white patches
This can happen if you break a blister
What is infection
This is what to do if you have been bitten by a Female Black Widow, or Brown Recluse spider
What is get medical attention
This is what not to do if a person has a suspected injury to the head or neck (unless they are in a dangerous location)
What is move the person?

This is how to perform the Heimlich maneuver.

What is stand behind the person, place your arms around their waste, clasp hands together below rips and above navel, thrust clasped hands inward and upward to loose object blocking airway


This plant extract has been known to sooth sunburns

What is aloe vera

This is the common way to treat a minor burn
What is run burned area under cold water and apply cold compress.
This is the big danger of bee stings if someone is alergic
What is anaphylactic shock
This is what you do, once you have assessed an emergency situation
What is call for help, approach safely, introduce self and ask if you can help? Always assume they want help if they do not answer
Once breathing has been restored, this is what you do next
What is treat for shock, and monitor condition closely?
Placing this on your skin before going outside for an adventure, prevents sunburns.
What is sunscreen, clothing, and hats.
Do not apply these to a blister or burn
What is butter, creams, ointments or sprays
After being bit by a wild mammal like bats, cats or raccoons, these are the reasons to get immediate medical attention
What is infection, and rabies
This is the correct method for treatment of shock
What is have person lie down, raise legs 12 inches(except with head injuries or fractures of hip/leg, keep victim warm with blankets, coats etc.
These are the signs of a choking victim
What is hands grab for throat, face turning red, cannot or difficulty breathing or speaking?
This is how to correctly treat a sunburn.
What is applying a cool, damp cloths, and avoiding further exposure?
This is how you feel about scouts in general
What is love every moment
This is how you first treat an an animal bite
What is wash, flush with water for several minutes, control bleeding, cover wound with bandage?