Scouting 101
Earning Rank
Knotted Up
Life or Death
Outdoor Skills

It’s a large, festive gathering, often of Boy Scouts nation- and world-wide.

What is a Jamboree?


It’s a 10-letter word for a newbie, as well as the second rank in Scouts.

What is Tenderfoot?

A clove hitch is useful in camping; use it to tie a rope to your sack of food, which you'll hang from a tree to make this alliterative bag.

What is a bear bag?


The symptoms of this life-threatening ailment could include weakness, confusion, fear, dizziness, clammy skin, a weak pulse, and irregular breathing.

What is shock?


Plan ahead and prepare, camp and travel on durable surfaces, pack it in/out, leave what you find, minimize campfire use, respect wildlife, and respect others are all principles of these outdoor ethics.

What is Leave No Trace?


When asked “For what?” with regard to this motto of the Boy Scouts, Lord Baden-Powell said, “Why, for any old thing!”

What is "Be Prepared"?


Of 10, 21, or 25, the number of merit badges a Scout needs to qualify for the rank of Eagle Scout.

What is 21?


The process used for securing the end of a frayed rope, typically using a finer thread or rope.

What is whipping?


Scrubbing the area with soap and water to remove saliva, covering the wound with a sterile bandage, and seeking medical attention are the first aid steps for this situation.

What is treating an animal bite?


The direction in which a map should always be oriented.

What is North?


Kangaroos and gorillas gather in these groups (as do Boy Scouts).

What are troops?


The Boy Scout slogan, which is a reminder to help other people at all times.

What is "Do a Good Turn Daily"?


You remember how to tie this knot by saying "right over left and under, left over right and under."

What is the square knot?


Treating the area by holding it under cold water or applying a cool, wet compress until there is little or no pain, then covering with ointment and a clean bandage are the first aid steps for this kind of injury.

What is a first-degree burn?


Of the three types of wood used to build a fire, this is small, catches fire easily, and burns quickly.

What is tinder?


When Scouts swim safely, they use this system in which one Scout looks out for the other, and vice versa.

What is the buddy system?


The number of ranks in Scouts BSA.

What is 7?


Sometimes referred to as the "rescue knot," this forms a loop that will not slip.

What is the bowline knot?


The first step for treating poison ivy.

What is wash the area with rubbing alcohol or dish soap?


Pocketknife, first aid kit, extra clothing, rain gear, water bottle, flashlight, trail food, matches and fire starters, sun protection, map and compass are all items on this list.

What are the Scout Essentials?


The Guinness Record for knot-tying measures the fastest time for tying the 6 knots listed in this handbook.

What is the Boy Scout Handbook?


For the Tenderfoot rank, Scouts learn how to teach by using a method that includes explaining, demonstrating, guiding, and enabling.

What is the EDGE Method?


This is the perfect knot to use for dragging a log across the ground, and is also the knot that starts a diagonal lashing.

What is the timber hitch?


Redness, warmth, tenderness, swelling, green or yellow fluid are all signs of this. Sometimes a victim might also have body aches, fever, chills, or swollen lymph nodes.

What is an infection?


These five principles provide guidance on safe and responsible shooting, boating, and motorized vehicle use in the outdoors. They are represented by an acronym!

What is TREAD Lightly?
