Trip Planning
Meals and Cooking
Surface Durability
Pack it in...
Name the four of the seven principles of Leave No Trace
- Plan Ahead and Prepare - Camp and Travel on Durable surface - Dispose of waste properly (Pack it in, Pack it Out) - Leave What You Find - Minimize the use of Campfires - Respect Wildlife - Respect Others
Name 3 of the 7 elements to consider when planning a trip.
- Identify and record the goals (expectations) of your trip.
- Identify the skill and ability of trip participants.
- Select destinations that match your goals, skills, and abilities. - Gain knowledge of the area you plan to visit from land managers, maps, and literature. - Choose equipment and clothing for comfort, safety, and Leave No Trace qualities. - Plan trip activities to match your goals, skills, and abilities. - Evaluate your trip upon return note changes you will make next time.
Proper Meal Planning Helps by?
- Reducing Trash - Reducing pack weight, which means faster hiking times and less fatigue - Reduce dependence on campfires for cooking
What is the best procedure for traveling off-trail through a pristine area?
Hike spread out over a wide area to minimize impact.
After packing up your campsite and prior to leaving you should always inspect for and do what?
Inspect your campsite and rest areas for trash or spilled foods. Pack out all trash, leftover food and litter.
Why are axes and saws not needed for collecting and preparing wood for a Leave No Trace fire?
Downed, dead wood is gathered from the ground and broken by hand.
What are some other elements to consider when planning your trip?
- Weather - Terrain - Regulations/restrictions - Private land boundaries - Average hiking speed of group and anticipated food consumption (leftovers create waste which leaves a trace!) - Group size (does it meet regulations, trip purpose and Leave No Trace criteria?)
You are in the backcountry and need to cook your meal but there is no fire ring. True or false, it is Ok to build a fire ring out of rocks and start a fire.
FALSE - you should only build a campfire where permitted, and use an existing fire ring, fire pan, or mound fire.
When selecting a campsite you should choose a site that is....
At least 200 feet from lakes, streams, rivers, and trails.
A cathole is used for what? And what is the proper method for making a cathole?
Catholes are used for depositing solid human waste. Make sure the cathole is dug 6 to 8 inches deep, at least 200 feet from water, camp and trails. Cover and disguise the cathole when finished.
You are hiking in the woods and you find a cool rock. Should you bring it home for your collection and why?
No, "Leave what you find" means that you should leave rocks, plants, and other natural objects as you find them. This enables future visitors to enjoy them just as you did.
Name a durable surface for camping or traveling on when in the back country?
Acceptable answers: Rock, sand and gravel are the most durable. Ice and snow are good choice since the surfaces are already temporary.
Campfires can cause a lasting impact to the backcountry. What should you use to cook with instead?
A lightweight backpacking stove is the best solution and try cooking a one pot meal to reduce trash and cleanup.
When camping in popular or high-use areas you should...
Concentrate use on existing trails and campsites.
Packing out trash is increasingly important as greater numbers of people visit the backcountry. Some trash can last years before breaking down. For example a tin can will still be around 80 to 100 years from now. How long does a banana peel last before breaking down?
3 to 5 weeks.
When traveling in the back country, why is it important to concentrate travel on developed trails.
Concentrating travel on trails reduces the likelihood that multiple routes will develop and scar the landscape. It is better to have one well-designed route than many poorly chosen paths.
The troop has been hiking all afternoon in the rain. You come upon a nice open meadow that looks like it would be perfect for setting up camp. Would this be a good spot? If not why?
NO, wet meadows and other fragile vegetation quickly show the effects of trampling. Trampling encourages new and inexperienced travelers to take the same route and leads to undesirable trail development.
After you have cooked and eaten your meal, the best method for cleanup is?
Hot water - Take your dishes at least 200 feet away from any streams or ponds and use the hot water to wash them, taking care to keep the used gray water contained in one of your pots. Biodegradable Soap - If you prefer to wash with soap, look for biodegradable versions. Avoid any soaps that contain phosphates Strain, Drain, or Broadcast - Once the dishes are clean, you're left with the used gray water. Before you dispose of it, strain out any remaining food particles and add them to your trash. Then you can drain the remaining gray water or broadcast it by scattering it widely.
TRUE OR FALSE When you encounter mud on the trail the best thing is to walk through it rather then around it?
True, you want to hike right through the mud so you don’t erode the sides of the trails and crush vegetation on the sides of the trail.
True or False It is OK to burn your trash in the camp fire.
TRUE - If you are in an area where a fire is allowed it may be okay to burn some of your trash (burn only paper items, never plastic or other petroleum-based products). Remaining trash, including food items and any paper which was not totally consumed in your fire, must be packed out.
Recite the Outdoor Code.
As an American, I will do my best to - Be clean in my outdoor manners. Be careful with fire. Be considerate in the outdoors. Be conservation minded.
Give an example of Poor Trip Planning
A group that is inexperienced or unfamiliar with the geography of an area may put people at risk by traveling through areas susceptible to flash floods or along ridge tops vulnerable to lightning activity. Groups traveling arid lands often fail to carry adequate water or a way of purifying water from natural sources. Checking with local land managers and studying maps and weather conditions can contribute to a low-risk existence. A poorly prepared group may plan to cook meals over a campfire only to discover upon arrival at their destination that a fire ban is in effect or that firewood is in scarce supply. Such groups often build a fire anyway breaking the law or impacting the land simply because they have not planned for alternatives. Fire bans and scarce wood supplies are signs that an area is experiencing the cumulative effects of heavy recreation use.
Why shouldn't you feed the wildlife or leave your scraps behind for them?
If wildlife is attracted, they will come in and create problems. You're impacting the eating habits of wild animals by allowing them to associate people with food. Problem animals can damage your gear in search of dinner and they may have to be relocated or even killed if their behavior persists.
You are asked to choose between two campsite locations. Which one is better and why? A) A dry grass field B) A lichen covered rock plateau
A is the better choice, dry grasses are considered dead and are more durable than a rock covered in lichen. The lichen is a living organism that can be damaged by repeated scuffing.
Why should you always carry a small plastic bag in your pocket when hiking or camping?
Whenever you are in the outdoors it is a good idea to pick up any trash you find. When you are away from trash cans having a small bag in your pocket makes this task more pleasant.