The Great Outdoors
Scouting Smarts
Do KNOT forget the Ropes
Safety First

These two tools can be used to find your way in the outdoors by using the cardinal directions.

What are a map and compass?


This is the number of ranks in boy scouts.

What is 7?

These two knots can be used to tie tent stakes to the ground and put up flagpoles.

What is the Taught-line Hitch and Two Half Hitches.


This is the minimum distance in all directions that should be kept around a person using a knife.

What is arm's length?


These are three of the four poisonous snakes found in North America.

What is a rattlesnake, Cottonmouth Moccasin, Copperhead, or a Coral snake?


These are 5 of the many youth leadership positions that can be held by members of the troop.

What is Senior Patrol Leader, Den Chief, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Bugler, Patrol Leader, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, Assistant Patrol Leader, Troop Historian, Instructor, Chaplain Aide, Troop Guide, Troop Scribe, Quartermaster, Librarian, and Outdoor Ethics Guide.


This technique can be used to keep the end of a plastic or nylon rope from fraying.

What is fusing a rope?


This technique, abrieviated RICE, is used to treat strains and sprains.

What is Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation?


This constellation is most easily recognizable by the three bright stars in a row in th middle of it.

What is Orion?

These are 6 of the many badges required to be an Eagle Scout.

What is First Aid, Lifesaving, Citizenship in the Community, Environmental Science, Citizenship in the Nation, Personal Management, Citizenship in the World, Swimming, Communications, Hiking, Personal Fitness, Cycling, Emergency Preparedness, Camping, or Family Life?


This knot can be useful in rescues as it forms a loop that will not tighten.

What is the Bowline Knot?


This area should always be set up with clear markings before chopping wood.

What is an ax yard?


THese are three main types of poisonous plants that could be encoutered during a hike.

What is poison ivy, poision oak, and poison sumac?


This term, abrieviated NCAC, is the name for the Council where troop 214 resides in.

What is National Capital Area Council?


This knot is used to shorten a rope.

What is a sheep shank?


These are the four steps taken when rescuing someone from the water.

What is reach, throw, go?


This is the number of degrees on a compass that is equivalent to South West.

What is 225?


This person is the founder of Boy Scouts.

Who is Lord Robert Baden Powell?


This knot is used to begin a diagonal lashing.

What is a Timber Hitch?


This is one of the few reasons why you should stop giving CPR once started.

What is help arrives? or What is victim recovers?
