The first rule of internet safety pledge.
What is I will think before I post?
True or False? Boy Scout Camp outs normally allow Scouts to bring electronic devices.
What is "False"?
The second rule in internet safety pledge.
What is I will respect other people online?
True or False? Bringing devices to Order of the Arrow events is normally allowed.
What is True?
Not everyone you meet online is this....(Scout Law point)
What is Trustworthy?
Trusted adults include the following types of people (4).
What is parent, a teacher, a leader, or family member?
The fifth rule in internet safety pledge.
What is I will protect myself online
Bringing electronic devices to Scout Meetings is acceptable. True or False
What is False?
Considering others feelings when texting, posting or emailing involves these 4 Scout laws.
What is loyal, kind, friendly, courteous?
The third rule in internet safety pledge.
What is I will respect digital media ownership?
Telling a trusted adult about unkind, untrue or hurtful postings of friends or those you know involves these 4 Scout Laws.
What is helpful, brave, reverent and trustworthy?