"a yellow cardboard tube filled with sherbet powder, and there was a hollow liquorice straw sticking out of it"
What is a Sherbet Sucker?
the location where there was "a big hollow space underneath" and where Dahl and his friends made a "secret hiding place for sweets and other small treasures "
Where is a loose floor-board?
"Mr. Coombes was standing in the middle of it, dominating everything, a giant of a man if ever there was one" and in his hands he held something that looked like a walking stick
What is a cane?
the place in Llandaff that had a "woman who owned it was a horror. We hated her and we had good reason for doing so"
What is the sweet shop?
the type of place where Dahl's mom says, "‘I said I would, as soon as the school year is finished. I shall find you an English school this time,’ she said. ‘Your father was right. English schools are the best in the world.’"
What is a boarding school?
"enormous hard round balls the size of small tomatoes" that provide about an hour’s worth of non-stop sucking and change colors
What are Gobstoppers?
"an exciting discovery" for Dahl and his friends. Thwaites grabbed it by its tail and waved it around their faces
What is a dead mouse?
What Mr.Coombs said as he told them to line up, fifth form, 6 forms. What does forms mean
What is another name for grades
the part of Mrs. Pratchett's body that the boys thought "were disgusting. They were black with dirt and grime. They looked as though they had been putting lumps of coal on the fire all day long"
What are her hands?
"a small pinewood trunk which is very strongly made, and no boy has ever gone as a boarder to an English Prep School without one"
What is a tuck-box?
"like a flat black tape about half an inch wide" and so long that the other end touched the ground that people thought it was made of rat tails
the person who said, "it was I and I alone who had the idea for the great and daring Mouse Plot. We all have our moments of brilliance and glory, and this was mine"
Who is Dahl?
the person that Dahl was relieved to see at school and said, "'She’s alive!’ I whispered to Thwaites standing next to me. ‘I didn’t kill her!'"
how Mrs. Pratchett feels when she says, "'They nick things when I ain’t looking,’ she went on. ‘They put their grubby ’ands all over everything and they’ve got no manners. I don’t mind girls. I never ’ave no trouble with girls, but boys is ’ideous and ’orrible!'"
What is hate?
What is dislike?
What is annoyed?
the reason why the Headmaster wanted "to give the boys as little food as possible himself and to encourage the parents in various cunning ways to feed their offspring by parcel-post from home."
What is cheap?
What is selfish?
What is not wanting to spend money?
What is wanting to save money for himself?
What is not wanting to buy food for the boys?
"had a dangerous taste" that parents warned kids from eating them but they ate them "more than ever"
What are Pear Drops?
"the huge glass jar smashed to smithereens with the dead mouse lying in the wreckage" and hundreds of different colored candies all over the floor
What are Gobstoppers?
the number of times the Headmaster hit Dahl that his "entire backside seemed to be going up in flames"
What is four (4)?
how Mrs. Pratchett felt when she was watching the Headmaster hit the boys and said, "Lay it into ’im!’ she was shrieking. ‘Let ’im ’ave it! Teach ’im a lesson!"
What is excited?
What is happy?
What is enjoy?
How did Dahl get to his new school?
"a hard brown lozenge" that had a strong taste and smell. Kids thought they were made with chloroform, which were used to make people fall asleep
What are Tonsil Ticklers?
this happens when "an old person like Mrs. Pratchett suddenly gets a very big shock, I suppose you know what happens next?"
What is a heart attack?
the place that "smelled of leather and tobacco" where Mr. Coombes was waiting to punish the boys
Where are his private quarters?
Where is his study?
Where is his office?
how Mrs. Pratchett feels when she says, "'I am much obliged to you, ’Eadmaster, very much obliged. I don’t think we is goin’ to see any more stinkin’ mice in my Gobstoppers from now on'"
What is relief?
What is happy?
What is justified?
The tuck box is being compared to a lady's handbag, what does this tell us about a tuck box?
its private