This is provided upon TANF approval, notifying customers they have 10 days to contact NEON to complete their PAA and PRP. The same principle applies to needed PRP amendments when the customer cannot be reached.
What is a Flexible Appointment Letter? PG pg. 9
Customers can access service from DWSS via Lobby, non-lobby, phone, or CCT.
What are “Access Points”? PG pg. 13
These ensure only relevant information is included in the CLOGS/Narratives, which minimizes duplicate information, and increases clarity.
What are “documentation templates” or “narrative templates”?
In the Oasis PRP and Noco verbiage guide, this color box indicates text that must be updated for the customer.
What are “gray boxes”? PRP/Noco v1.1 pg. 4
These are the three "major" professional sports teams based in Southern Nevada.
What are the Vegas Golden Knights (2017) (NHL), Las Vegas Raiders (2020) (NFL), & Las Vegas Aces (2018) (WNBA)?
This principle seeks to eliminate repeat interactions, and features the completion of all possible actions at the customer’s first interaction, and during any subsequent customer interactions.
What is First Contact Resolution? PG pg. 9
This identifies a specific area of responsibility that will allow staff to focus on a necessary aspect of case processing. Examples include Calendar, Engagement and Processing.
What is a “Queue”? PG pg. 20
These are the people to contact if you consistently find the need to enter free form text.
What is the NEON Core Team? ONG v1.1 pg. 3
This style of text is used for sections that have multiple options depending on the customer circumstances. Anything in this style of text should NOT be copy/pasted into the document but is intended to help choose the correct verbiage.
What is “bold text”? PRP/Noco v1.1 pg. 4
This is the preferred method of communication we want to encourage our customers to utilize.
What is the SARA Communication system?
Entering information as it is received into the appropriate systems, and narrating while the customer is with you. Not waiting to complete narratives or data entry until your customer leaves.
What is “key as you go”? PG pg. 9
This action requires selecting the appropriate access point, entering the customer specific data, and identifying the activity and program for the task.
What is “adding a task in Current”? PG pg. 13
This template is to be used when the task pulled results in no action taken.
What is the "Case Pulled, No Action Taken" template? ONG v1.1 pg. 6
Verbiage for these three PRP sections is required for each and every PRP that is created (this does not include required verbiage for the “Issues and Activities” section).
What is “Changes in Conference”, "Immunizations/School Attendance", and "Support Services"? PRP/Noco v1.1 pg. 5
The largest single public works project in the history of the US, containing 3.25 million cubic yards of concrete, enough to pave a two-lane highway from SF to NY.
What is the Hoover Dam?
This staffing model features the elimination of scheduled appointments, the responsibility of managing a caseload, and having customers wait to see their “assigned case manager”.
What is a shared workload model? PG pg. 9
This identifies the result of each task that is worked, and allows the Management team to effectively manage the Process and staffing resources.
What is an “Outcome”? PG pg. 18-19
“Customer Engagement Complete” or “Customer Engagement Incomplete”.
What are the only acceptable subject line headings for a Customer Engagement narrative? ONG v1.1 pg. 10
For Non-Compliance PRPs, this must be included if we do not plan to see the customer for an office visit after completing the NOCO resolution.
What is an “ongoing activity”? PRP/Noco v1.1 pg. 18
A PDF signature that includes a timestamp or a typed name in the signature line, with an email stating "I, [Customer's Name], confirm my electronic signature on my Personal Responsibility Plan developed on and dated [enter date]." to accompany the document.
What are the requirements to accept a customer’s digital signature? E&P PT 03-21/ESS PT 05-21 dated 2/19/21.
This key principle allows for customers to initiate contact with NEON via in person through the lobby, by mail (or email), through SARA, by dropping off information, or by phone.
What is “Customers have different needs”? PG pg. 9
When a document needs to be sent to Eligibility to communicate a change, this is required when sending the document to be scanned.
What is a DIS scan sheet, with “Hot Scan” and “Eligibility” checked off? (“Hot Scan” indicates a Current Task is required) PG v1.1 pg. 24, pg. 80-81
This narrative is only to be used when the action taken is not documented within another template. Most often utilized by the NEON Administrative team with lobby customers.
What is the supportive services narrative? ONG v1.1 pg. 28
Regarding verbiage on a non-compliance notice, at least one of these three templates is always required.
What is “RFI not returned”, “Failed to update their PRP”, or “Failed to Comply with their PRP”? Additional circumstance specific resolution activities should also be added as needed from the "Employment and Training Resolutions” and/or "Social Work Resolutions" sections of the Oasis PRP and Noco Verbiage Guide. PRP/Noco v1.1 pg. 18
This 8 acre man-made “lake” is made up of churned water that's been recycled from showers, tubs, and sinks throughout Las Vegas.
What are the Fountains of Bellagio?