Brady’s first WWE figures
What is R-truth, Rey mysterio, the rock, John cena
My favorite senior my freshman year
Who is Logan Ours
Brady’s least favorite family member
His brother
Brady’s friend to have deep talks with
Who is Brodi
Brady’s least favorite teacher of all time
Mr Sesonky
Brady’s favorite wwe championship
The most ridiculous way I’ve won a match
The kid’s shoe was untied
Brady’s favorite family tradition
What is the board game “SORRY!”
Brady's friend who has a connection with Kaitlyn
Brady’s favorite movie
Varsity Blues
Brady’s favorite WWE entrance song
Was is Edge’s theme song
What school does the kid go to that Brady has beaten 3 times
South Range
What is young Sheldon
Brady’s friend who used to buy him a snapple everyday at school in 5th grade
Who is maddy Henderson
Brady’s favorite cartoon channel when he was younger
What is Cartoon Network
Brady’s first WWE event was where
Brady’s quickest pin
5 Seconds
Where did Brady’s dad go to go hunting
Brady’s day one friend and was the kid next door when he was younger
Who is Jeremiah
Brady’s most expensive Christmas gift
Who is Brady’s WWE cutoff shirt about
Roman Reigns
What is united local tournament
Where are 3 places bradys mom has lived in her life
East Palestine, Minerva, Sebring
Who is my friend I consider to be family the most
Who is Logan or Cory
Brady’s favorite fast food place WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER
What is KFC