What is a Griot?
someone from west Africa that use music and song to keep their history alive
What is a Djembe?
a drum from Africa.
What is a Rhythm tree.
A Rhythm tree is something to use to know how much beats is equal to what other notes are.
What is a Quarter note.
A Quarter note has 1 beat.
what is a Whole note.
A whole note has 4 beats.
What is a half note.
A half note has 2 beats.
What is K-pop
Popular music from south Korea.
What is Chinese opera.
One of the oldest performing arts.
What are the instruments from east Asia.
Erhu, Pipa, Zhongruan, Dizi, Lui Qin, and Duzheng
what is a 3/4 time signature
A three fourths times signature counts how many beats there are in one staff.
What is a Gagaku?
Japanese court music.
What is a 2/4 time signature.
A two fourths time signature is counting how much notes are on the staff.
What are the instruments of east asia.
Dholak, sitar, pakhawaj, tabla, sarod, and tanpura.
What is a grand staff
.A grand staff is two staffs on top of each other
What is Namaste.
A greeting used in india.
What is Bollywood?
A style of dance, film, and television from India. Bollywood dance is used at celebrations.
What is a dotted note?
The dot adds 1/2 of whatever note it's attached to.
What is Taj Mahal.
A tomb for an empress and emperor in India. One of the seven wonders of the world
What is Brazilian dance styles?
There is maxixe, choro, and samba.
What is a mariachi band?
A musical group from mexico.
What are some percussion instruments.
Snare drum, drum.
What are string instruments?
Guitar, piano, violin, and cello.
What are some wind instruments?
Flute, oboe, clarinet, saxaphone, basoon, trumpet, frenchhorn.
what are Bass cleff sayings?
All cows eat grass.
Goats battle donkeys for awards.
make your own any answer with write notes are right.
What are bass clef spaces?