Occipital lobe
visual processing
Outer region of the brain
Temporal lobe
auditory processing
Skulls anatomy =_______ _________
cortex labels
relays information from the sensory receptors to the proper parts of the brain to be processed
sleeping and dreaming
controls the endocrine system
breathing, swallowing, heartbeat
what is the purpose of the corpus callosum?
Connects the right and left hemisphere
4 lobes of the cortex
parietal, occipital, temporal, and frontal
converts short term memory to long term memory
Regulates emotion, involved in planning, and higher reasoning
frontal lobe
Fear response, fight/flight response center
Left hemisphere is associated with _______ and _______
logic and systematic thinking
Why is the brain wrinkled?
to fit more brain into your skull
attention center of brain
reticular formation
associated with balance and coordination
Right hemisphere is associated with _______ and _______
creativity and imagination
damage to region is linked to major movement disorders
basal ganglia
How do we use all of our brain, all of the time?
shared responsibilities