What is dopamine chasing?
. Dopamine is released in anticipation of a reward
. The bigger rush of dopamine the more you want it
What is the nervous system?
The electrochemical communication network
What is the hippocampus?
Converts short-term memories to long-term.
What is a split-brain?
A surgery where you isolate the brain's two hemispheres by cutting the fibers.
What is the difference between identical and fraternal twin?
Identical twins develop from the same egg and creates two genectically identical organisms
Fraternal twins develop from separate eggs and are not any closer than any other siblings
What are endorphins?
Nuerotransmitters linked to pain, control, and to pleasure.
What are the two parts of the nervous system?
Peripheral and Central (brain and spinal cord)
What is the Midbrain?
Visual and auditory processing
What is conciousness?
Our subjective awareness of ourselves and our environment.
What is DNA?
A complex molecules containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes.
What does serotonin affect?
Mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal.
Explain how a pain reflex works? What will respond first, your body or your consciousness?
Your consciousness responds first by your sensory neurons top your interneurons in your spinal cord when you touch something that would hurt you. This have a reflex that will make your body get out of what hurting the individual.
What is the basal ganglia?
Best known for role in movement.
What is the coprus collosum?
The large band of neural fibers connecting the two brain hemispheres and carrying messages between them.
What is environment?
Every nongenetic influence