In this classroom you'll know what holiday it is
What is Rainbows
What are the two curriculum's used at Imagine?
What is BLOOMING and Creative Curriculum
Where can you find information about employee benefits?
What is the Employee Handbook, Sub title " Benefits and Wellness"
Employees have a stake in the company’s success because it operates under this ownership model
What is an employee-owned company?
Instead of saying ‘don’t run,’ teachers re frame directions by saying this
What is ‘use your walking feet’?
In this classroom they march to the beat of their own drum
What is Teddy Bears
What is the assessment tool for curriculum
What is Teaching Strategies?
Where can staff find the links to the educational assistance resources?
What is the staff website
How many conferences does Imagine have each year?
What is two?
This strategy helps children know what to expect next and reduces anxiety during transitions
What is a visual schedule ?
In this classroom you'll smell them before you see them
What is Puppies
This person is responsible for managing the curriculum for the company
Who is AnneMarie Robley
Where can you find words of affirmation in the center?
What is in the bathroom?
The ESOP at Imagine Early Learning Centers helps employees plan for this important stage of life
What is retirement?
Encouraging children to ‘use their words’ instead of hitting promotes this essential skill
What is communication or emotional regulation?
In this classroom you'll find sets of these, representing both the way we communicate and ancestry
What is Sunflowers
What are the areas of development for "I" Imagine Kids for Kids
What is empathy, emotions, awareness of the world, culture and languages, and geography?
What is the name of the website used to get discounted deals on travel, tickets, and shows
How many centers make up Imagine?
What is 12 centers?
Teachers using this method of guidance avoid saying ‘no’ directly, instead redirecting behavior and offering alternatives
What is a positive redirection?
In this classroom you'll find more sand on the floor than in the table
What is Dolphins
What are the areas of development for "L" Learning Healthy Early
What is trying new foods, understanding what's on their plates, food pyramids, how to protect their brains and keep it healthy, staying clean, and self-care?
Where can staff find out how much you accrue per month?
What is in the employee handbook under 'Work-Life management' sub title 'paid time off'
What year was Imagine founded in and by who
What is 2001 and Holly Saltzman?
When teachers adjust their instruction based on a student’s unique learning needs, they are practicing this approach
What is differentiated instruction?