These tiny cells connect with each other to make up the brain network.
What are NEURONS!
These types of food are especially good for brain health.
Fresh fruits and vegetables
There are 86,000,000,000 of them!
How many neurons are in a human brain?
Some people believe that the size of the brain determines this.
What is "how smart you are"?
This exercise isn't about learning to tell the time.
What is the clocks exercise?
This part of your brain, located behind your forehead, helps you think, make decisions, and plan what you’re going to do next.
What is the frontal lobe?
These additives, used to give snacks and candy their bright colors, can make you hyperactive, moody and irritable if eaten regularly.
What are artificial food dyes.
This is when the brain organizes memories and cleans itself out to stay healthy.
What happens during sleep?
Doing these types of puzzles are fun and help us find words but they do not keep your brain sharp or improve memory.
What are crossword puzzles?
She created the Arrowsmith program in 1978.
Who is Barbara Arrowsmith Young?
This part of your brain helps you walk, run, and even write with a pencil. It's located near the top of your head.
What is the motor cortex?
These types of food are great protein for the brain, but are not allowed at Eaton Arrowsmith.
What are NUTS!
This happens to your brain in the first year of life.
When does your brain grow up to 3 times in size?
Many people believe that your intelligence stays the same throughout your life. It cannot be changed.
What is "not true"?!
What is the fixed brain?
This is the brain’s ability to change and grow by making new connections, helping you learn new skills or recover from an injury.
What is neuroplasticity?
This part of your brain is at the back of your head and helps you see everything around you, from colors to shapes.
What is the occipital lobe?
These small berries are packed with antioxidants that help improve memory and help your brain stay productive.
What are blueberries?
This animal has about 500 million neurons mostly located in its arms.
What is an octopus?
It is a myth that we only use this small percentage of our brain, but the truth is we use almost all of it every day for different tasks.
What is 10% of your brain?
In 2014, 10 years ago, this person decided to start an EA school in Redmond, WA
Who is Howard Eaton?
This part of your brain, located on the sides of your head, helps you understand what you hear and remember things like your favorite songs.
What is the temporal lobe?
This yummy food is famous for its high omega-3 fatty acid content, crucial for brain health
What is salmon?
This is a term used to describe how the brain can change.
What is "neuroplasticity".
This myth says people primarily only use one side of their brain, and that they are either analytical or creative depending on which side that is.
What is the "right-brain vs. left-brain personality" myth?
This character usually appears around Halloween, but also helps us celebrate brain awareness week by wearing his brain outside his skull.
Who is George?!