true or false; Damage to the brain stem could cause you to be unable to breathe.
30 hours after fertilization
cell division begin
at what age do you think most critical windows of opportunity close .
after the age of 3
What is Attachment in Child Development?
Emotional bond that forms between a child and their primary caregiver, usually the mother.
What do P.I.E.S. & M Stand for?
- Physical
- Intellectual
- Emotional
- Social
- Moral
Which lobe helps you understand what your senses are trying to tell you?
parietal lobe
what is a cerebellum ?
controls coordination and movement, behavior and memory
the brain operates on a ?
" use it or lose it" mindset
true or false; Giving in to babies when they cry will spoil them
true or false; babies wiggle their fingers before wiggling their torso
What makes up 70% of the brain ?
true or false; Having a low nasal nose is a sign of Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
At what age does a child brain fully reach the 90% adult weight
by the age of 5
Is it true that mothers are more there for the child emotionally than the father.
True or false: Growth begins at the head and lengthens down to the feet
That body system controls the brains ?
nervous system
How does alcohol affect the Developing brain cells during pregnancy?
disrupts the fetal brain's ability to form important connections.
At birth, babies have how many Brian cells (neurons)
100 billion
what's the meaning of safe haven
A person we can turn to and know that they care about our safety, will respond to our distress.
what's the meaning of morals
knowing right from wrong
What does the hippocampus decide?
help guide deliberation during decision making by supplying internal evidence about each option.
whats the role of the hypothalamus in the brain?
control appetite, emotions, temperature and pain sensation.
At 10 years old children have how many trillion of synapses?
500 trillion
Key Factors in Attachment in Child Development
1. proximity seeking
2. separation distress
3. safe haven
4. secure base